56 February 2016
e’re living in a “rape culture”, even
though the term seems to annoy some
people. So let’s just say we’re living in a
culture in which rape is routinely trivial-
ised, where victims are frequently
blamed for its occurrence and their testimony is denied
and ridiculed, and where the onus is placed on them to
prevent rape from happening.
Just under a third of female respondents to a recent
survey among Trinity College Dublin students said they
had experienced unwanted physical contact while at
Trinity. A quarter of female students had been sexually
assaulted, or had a “non-consensual sexual experi-
ence”. The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) has
recorded a shocking increase of 36% in the number of
victims of rape and sexual assault to the Sexual Assault
Treatment Unit in the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin in
Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop, CEO of DRCC, said: “The 36%
increase in the number of victims accompanied to the
Sexual Assault Treatment Unit in Dublin, for 2015 in
comparison with 2014, is very concerning. We have yet
to analyse these figures as to why there has been such
an increase.
Surprisingly, 24% of callers
were male and there has been a
steady year-on-year increase in
males using the Helpline since
2008 when the figure was 14%.
There was an increase of 30%
in first-time callers to the
National 24-Hour Helpline in
2014 (the latest year for which
statistics are available), com-
pared with 2013 figures. Calls
relating to adult rape showed
an increase of 14% compared
with 2013 figures. There was an increase of 71% in
crisis appointments for recent rape and sexual assault
delivered by therapists in 2014, compared with 2013
Our statistics on sexual crime are shocking. It is now
thirteen years since publication of the Sexual Abuse
and Violence in Ireland Report (SAVI) detailing the
prevalence of sexual violence in relation to age and
gender for over 3,000 adults, it remains a very dis-
tressing document. So with a general election looming
whats to be done?
Ratification of the Istanbul Convention would gener-
ate change. The convention deals with prevention,
requiring us to put in place measures to challenge the
gender stereotypes, roles and attitudes that promote
this culture of violence against women. It obliges us
to ensure that the Garda respond immediately to calls
for assistance and that all victims have access to spe-
cial protection measures during investigation and
judicial proceedings.
The convention crucially deals with protection,
ensuring that the needs and safety of survivors are
placed at the heart of all measures. It demands the
setting up of specialised support services that provide
medical assistance as well as psychological and legal
counselling to survivors and their children. The con-
vention also stipulates the number of refuges that are
needed to adequately respond to women, that of one
refuge place per 10,000 of population – we’re well
behind this target right now. The Istanbul Convention
provides the framework for structural and personal
reforms and provides a mechanism to hold the Govern-
ment to account.
We need stronger legislation. Domestic violence
should be a crime of itself, accompanied by appropri-
ate sanctions that match the seriousness of the act.
Within the proposed sexual-offences legislation, a
definition of consent should be included. Consent
should be freely given - an enthusiastic, clearly com-
municated and ongoing Yes.
Right now one in ten victims of sexual crime in Ire-
land reports that crime. Of that one in ten, only 7%
lead to a conviction. We urgently need sanctions that
are effective, consistent, proportionate and dissua-
sive. The appallingly high attrition rates within our
criminal justice system and send out a message to
women that if they report a crime justice will be done.
We must provide a supportive environment for women
to continue through the system and seek justice.
Setting up the new Garda unit - The Human Protec-
tive Services Bureau – was a great move but it requires
increased personnel and financial resources to target
domestic and sexual violence. Specialist units in each
Garda Division should now be established to address
domestic and sexual violence ,and ongoing training is
required at all levels to develop an expertise within
the force that both supports the victim and pursues
perpetrators to arrest and conviction.
We will only seriously address this issue when we
shift the focus from women, from asking what did she
do, why was she there at that time, why did she stay,
and place the focus on men who perpetrate these
crimes. We must break the malicious disbelief, victim-
blaming and perpetrator-excusal that surrounds rape.
We must restore funding to the organisations that
help victims. We must shatter this culture of rape.
Rape Disgrace
Ratify Instanbul Convention
challenging gender stereotypes,
and demanding that Garda
respond immediately to calls and
that all victims have access to
special protection
by Lorraine Courtney
36% increase in the
number of victims
of rape and sexual
assault to the Sexual
Assault Treatment Unit
in Rotunda in 2015


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