April 2017 3 3
“Many years of pro-cyclical policies contributed to the
crash that caused a decade of inactivity, and it will take
a number of years of the correct ones to put things right.
Concededly tax incentives and grants contributed to the boom and
crash. But is the government now working against the economic cycle?
The Help-to-Buy scheme was widely criticised on its introduction in
2016 as being pro-cyclical and inflationary. To date there have been
3,750 successful applicants for the scheme at an average cost
of €15,000. Just 3,606 new homes in housing estates were sold last
year and recent figures suggest that house prices have increased
by €15,000 in three months. Current price inflation may get into double
digits and will significantly erode affordability for those attempting to
get on the property ladder. By June we may see two Help-to-Buy appli
cants for each new home coming to the market.
The most recent monthly activity report indicates
15,256 homes were provided last year and commence
ment notices in the year up to the end of January 2017 show an increase
of 44% year on year”.
The Department of Housing figures use connections of dwellings to the
electricity supply as a proxy for completions, and dwellings vacant for
two years or more are double-counted as new-build completions when
connected even if they have registered in figures before. Given the large
volumes of vacant NAMA and ghost-estate units, this methodology
gives inflated new-build levels and creates a false perception of dyna-
mism in the market. In 2016 there were just 3,606 estate homes
developed and sold, and a similar number of one-off homes commenced
along with 75 local authority houses - less than 8,000 new homes in
total. Not 15,256. This has been highlighted in this magazine and else
where. Yet the Minister ignores the reality. Officials have never
explained how they get to double these figures, 15,256, for new-build
units completed. It is reasonable to infer they cannot.
True, but with a misleading implication about current policies.
Deliberate untrue misstatement on a central plank of govern-
ment performance, an issue the Minister accepted in May 2016 is
“a national emergency.
In an article on 27 March in
the Irish Examiner ‘Simon Coveney
Looking at All Means of Getting more
Houses, the Minister for Housing
made serious and precise statements
about the housing market.
Mel Reynolds checked them.
“Housing is probably the
number one priority for this
Simon Coveney, Minister for Housing
11 May 2016, the Irish Examiner
and key housing facts
3 4 April 2017
“One of the central elements of ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ involves
an unprecedented commitment of €5.35bn for social hous-
ing. We are determined to help individuals and families that are homeless
and those on social housing waiting lists”.
Housing 2020 was launched in 2014 and proposed a budget
of €3.8bn and 35,000 social homes in five years. Between 2014 and 2015
there were less than 1,000 local authority and voluntary and co-operative
social homes built. Homelessness has increased by 190% since 2014. Child
homelessness has increased by a shocking 250% in the same period.
Official figures show that 4,875 adults and 2,546 children are sleeping
in hotels, B&Bs and hostels.
As part of the plan to tackle homelessness, the Government promised
200 rapid-build homes by the end of 2016, a further 800 this year, and a
further 1,500 next year. Just 22 have been built so far. Department Hous
ing Plans consistently missed targets by some distance.
“Last year 18,300 social housing solutions were put in
place and this year that figure will be over 21,000 and we
will spend €1.3bn making it so”.
‘Solutions’ is the Departments term and includes rent supplements,
assistance, emergency hotel accommodation and private and public social
housing - all forms of social housing assistance. Many would not know
that rent supplements was a ‘social housing solution’. To illustrate the low
level of state construction, in 9 months of 2016 just 161 Local Authority
homes were built. This is actually double the rate of the preceding year.
The private sector is similar - the number of Part V social homes deliv
ered by the private sector was 37 in 2016, it was 64 in 2015 and 67 in 2014.
Government relies heavily on the ‘hands-off’ involvement of charities and
approved housing bodies for social housing, and of course on private
sector rentals with no security of tenure.
“In terms of social housing construction, 650 homes were
built last year, 1,800 are under construction on sites around
the country and 8,430 are at various stages in the pipeline of delivery.
Construction activity has started on 1,829 units and 3,262 housing units
are at some stage of pre-development. However, one third of the total men-
tioned, 2,687, are ‘under consideration’- these schemes may or may not
proceed and may well be cancelled. Minister Coveney includes these as “in
the pipeline of delivery. For most people anything that is metaphorically
in a pipeline cannot be stopped. So this is misleading, not really true.
Furthermore, Housing Department equation of completions with ESB
connections means that existing local authority voids refurbished will be
double-counted as new build completions, inflating figures again.
“That’s why we brought in a €200m housing infrastruc
ture fund to unlock these sites. I will be shortly
announcing funding for roads, bridges and amenity infrastructure that
will facilitate the delivery of tens of thousands of new homes across
the country.
The €200m infrastructure fund – over fully five years - for housing infra-
structure is a pro-cyclical developer incentive. Designed to 'unlock'
23,000 ‘affordable’ units, details have now been provided of various
impressive bridges, link roads, and Dart stations to be funded 75:25%
between the Exchequer and local authorities. Nevertheless it is unclear
whether details of the 23,000 affordable units have been agreed
between landowners and local authorities, and the Department. It
would appear to make little sense if what are effectively incentives to
developers are being paid in advance of agreements on unit size, loca
tion specification, delivery date, and most obviously affordability
including price of the suggested units, There is no guarantee that the
developers will pass on the benefits of their incentives end-purchasers
and tenants. The Department claims that it “is determined that the fund
will, in addition to stimulating supply in an overall sense, also encour-
age a strong mix of private, rental and social housing delivery at
appropriate locations and create attractive places to live at affordable
prices and rents. However, it simply has not put in place detailed meas-
ures to guarantee that “Departmental determination” translates into
public goods.
To put this figure, which on first inspection sounds impressive, in
context the €200m fund equates to a government grant to developers
of €8,700 per unit spread over 23,000 units over 5 years. Given that cur
rent average-house-price inflation (for the last three months) is running
at €15,000 per unit, it would appear that the infrastructure grant is the
equivalent of seven weeks house-price inflation. This €200m may be
better spent on outright funding for 1,000 - 1,500 new local authority
homes in Dublin and around the country. Given the Government’s cur
rent budget of €40,000 per ‘repair and lease’ unit, for maximum impact
the fund could target existing vacant buildings and upper floors, refur-
bishing 5,000 local authority voids and private vacant units throughout
the country. Existing vacant units need no new infrastructure or ser-
vices, are centrally located and cost a fraction of what it costs to build
a new apartment or house.
Village Verdict
True but optimistic.
True but misleading.
Misleading and untrue.
True but sounds much more impressive than it is.
While it contains smatterings of
truth and optimism, overall Minis-
ter Coveneys statements on the
central plank of his, indeed per-
haps the government’s, platform
are misleading, blatantly so in the
case of ‘housing solutions’ and sometimes deliber-
ately untrue, particularly in the case of the key figure
of homes built. Since his department has been advised
of this, it is reasonable to assume some of the key
statements are deliberately misleading: falsities.


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