“homo”, “fag”, and “queer”. On my way to
school, I remember passing someone in
the street on the way to work who called
out “fairy”. I was threatened and changed
my route.
I well recall visiting school-friends at
the seminary in Maynooth in . I was
struck at how like our Catholic school it
was, being single sex, without women
teachers, and with the added struggle of
sexual abstinence. That is the world that
Irish Roman Catholic bishops were social-
ised into. Should we be surprised that they
teach as they do about same sex marriage?
The Roman Catholic bishops recently
upped the ante in their No campaign with
a threat to withdraw from the signing of
the civil marriage register at all
weddings in a Catholic church.
The bishops did not resort to
this supposed ‘nuclear option’
twenty years ago after the
legalisation of civil divorce. I
know that the Association of
Catholic Priests does not agree
with them. I know that in
County Donegal, some parish-
ioners walked out after the
priest in the pulpit preached for
a No vote.
A face glared down from an
aggressive poster calling for a
No Vote as I recently walked
down Shandon Street. Homophobic mes-
saging is sweeping across the country.
This is part of the emotional price to be
paid by being gay or lesbian and engaging
with the referendum campaign. This time
I did not change my route. The negative
messages are contradicted by my own per-
sonal experience of years of a loving,
faithful, same-sex relationship.
There will be a price to be paid by the
institution of the Roman Catholic Church.
It will emerge as a smaller, more anti-gay
denomination. Ironically, it may be the
Catholic dissent, and the two Church of
Ireland Bishops, who may one day enable
the Roman Catholic Church to retrieve
something positive when in the future it
apologises for the wounds it inflicted on
the gay and lesbian minority and its oppo-
sition to same-sex marriage. •
ISHOP Kevin Doran of Elphin
insisted that the Roman Catholic
bishops’ opposition to same-sex
marriage is “not about homosexuality or
the gay lifestyle” last November and fired
the opening shot in their campaign for a
No vote in the marriage equality referen-
dum. Last March, in an interview on
Newstalk, he went to say “the jury’s out”
on whether people are born gay and that
being gay is not what God intended. He
compared sexual orientation to a disabil-
ity (Down’s syndrome). How can a bishop
be so ill-informed?
Twenty years ago I was invited by the
Forum for Peace and Reconciliation to
present a sociological report on the Prot-
estant minority and
Catholic-Protestant marriage.
Later the Roman Catholic
Bishop of Killaloe, Willie
Walsh, wrote in the Furrow of
the “wounds” caused by his
fellow bishops by their opposi-
tion to mixed marriage. He
wrote “I feel that many of us
would want to apologise and
ask forgiveness from our non-
Roman brethren for that pain
and hurt…It has been a long
journey from that sadness and
isolation to the joyfulness of
today’s inter-church
The Church of Ireland Bishop of Cork,
Dr Paul Colton, apologised last year for the
hurt Christian churches have caused les-
bian, gay, bisexual and trans people. He
later stated on BBC Radio Ulster that “I
certainly support civil same-sex mar-
riage”. Bishop Michael Burrows of Cashel,
Ferns and Ossory also declared for Yes at a
recent event for Faith in Marriage Equality
(FiME). Bishops have got it wrong before
and they were humble enough to admit it.
Growing up in Cork in the early s I
attended St Fin Barre’s secondary school.
The principal, Dr John Buckley, is now the
Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork. Jerry
Buttimer, now a TD for Cork and an out
gay man, was in the year behind me. Every
day in the classroom, I was ‘wounded’
when I overheard the put-downs of
6May 2015
Step back from
will lose
By Richard
Marriage Referendum
22 May 2015
Sociologist Dr Richard
O’Leary is co-founder
of Faith in Marriage
Equality, representing
a range of faiths. He
and his late partner,
the Rev Mervyn
Kingston, were the first
couple to have their
UK civil partnership
recognised by the Irish
government in January
2011 following an Equal
Status case.
The Association
of Catholic
Priests does not
agree with the
association of
Catholic bishops
Bishop Kevin Doran