— April – May 2013
S this the future of television of which Eamon
de Valera expressed himself ‘somewhat
afraid’ during his live inaugural address
on the first night of broadcast by Teilifís
Éireann in ? Probably not, the fear currently
felt by the operators of conventional broadcast
TV has little to do with ‘Communications impe-
rialism’ or ‘Americanisation’ or even the threat
posed to ‘Sound radio’ and ‘Living theatre.’
Faster broadband and better compression are
in the process of making dithering pixellated
live online delivery of TV programming a thing
of the past. These and other developments are
already giving us online delivery of audio-vis-
ual content which is indistinguishable from that
delivered by cable or satellite. What this means
for the TV industry’s traditional standard-bear-
ers and their role is currently the subject of much
fevered debate.
Convergence - meaning TV and internet sec-
tors becoming parts of a single bigger beast - has
been a central tenet of the conventional wis-
dom in both industries for some time. But more
recently the digital cash-rich new kids on the
block have started to flex their muscles. In one
incidence, by generating premium content and
taking it directly to the consumer they managed
for the first time to cut the broadcast networks
completely out of the loop.
House of Cards is a drama series in which
Kevin Spacey plays an unscrupulous Washington
political insider. But what has grabbed the
headlines is less the medieval machinations of
its characters than the fact that the one-hun-
dred-thousand-dollar production was entirely
financed by and released exclusively on its own
platform by online video rental giant, Netflix.
So until very recently all the players in the
industry knew who the competition were and
roughly where each of them came in the peck-
ing order. The major networks were undisputed
kings of television with a stranglehold over dis-
tribution through conventional broadcasting
channels and an unassailable position in con-
tent generation. Today new players with digitally
deep pockets are shaking up an industry which
was already struggling with how to meet the
challenge of new content delivery platforms,
dwindling advertising performance and mas-
sively changing consumer habits.
These changes have cast all sectors of the
industry into uncharted waters. Cinema, Gaming,
D, HD, Ultra HD, Laser, Smart, Multi-screen are
just some of technical advancements currently
being pitched or touted for the near future to
a globally declining market for televisions by
Also with the industry in such a state of flux it
was inevitable that some manufacturers would
seek to hedge their bets. So Panasonic intro-
duced their ‘Smart’ TVs which can download
third-party apps in an attempt to allay customer
fears about an expensive gizmo being rendered
obsolete by content-delivery developments.
Similarly, Samsung developed their ‘Evolution
Kit’ which is envisaged as being an upgrading
kit for your TV.
Rumours abound about Apple launching an iTV.
Analysts are of one mind that if such a product
is launched it will need to be much more than a
beautifully-designed piece of kit for receiving TV
programmes. The kind of returns Apple expects
from new product launches will not be availa-
ble for just another TV if Sony’s recent balance
sheets are any indication. So much was made of
recently-revealed high-level talks between sen-
ior people at Apple and their counterparts in the
cable companies but nobody has said whether
Apple are looking at more than the content tie-
ins with the likes of Netflix, Amazon and Hulu
which the four million buyers of the Apple TV
device currently enjoy. But with so many big
beasts already at that this watering hole it is very
unlikely that Apple will - even with their robust
negotiating tactics - manage to achieve anything
like the kind of market dominant position they
managed to establish for themselves in the music
industry with itunes.
But the real battleground has moved on from
the competing technologies of the televisions
themselves. With the abandonment of D, the
physical technology has for the moment almost
certainly reached a plateau. Apart from anything
else it is now a struggle to find enough content of
sufficiently high production quality that it does
not visibly creak when viewed on an ultra HD
inch screen from across the width of a sub-
urban living room.
Web-connected smart TVs are now
richard callanan
The future of
television (login
We’re still watching it, but everything else has
The increasingly blurred
distinction between the
delivery systems is going to
give rise to more so-called
cord- cutters who abandon
their subscriptions