July 2016 4 1
n army of of taskforces is contem-
plated in the current Programme for
Government, covering everything
from electric cars to broadband roll-
out to mental health of young
people. There is one among them that holds
particular promise for people with disabilities.
This is the taskforce promised on the implemen-
tation of “Personalised Budgets” for people
with disabilities.
There is a commitment in the Programme for
Government to “devolve budgets to the person
so they may shop beyond traditional service
providers to better fit their needs”. The task-
force is to draw up an application system,
brokerage models to assist people to connect
with and purchase the services that meet their
needs, systems of accountability, and practices
to monitor the Personalised Budgets.
This is a crucial development for people with
disabilities. The taskforce is to be set up within
three months of publication of the Programme
for Government in May this year. It is to be led
by public-service officials and to consult with
civil society. After a period of five years, it could
change into a national agency. One key concern
is that people with a day-to-day experience of
disability must be among the taskforce
Personalised Budgets are not a new idea.
They can be traced back to the Independent
Living Movement in the USA in the 1970s. They
have been in operation in England for almost 20
years. They go by many different names such
as ‘individualised funding’, ‘direct payments’
or ‘service brokerage’. All of these refer to dif-
ferent systems, but the key characteristic in all
of them is the element of choice.
It can be disquieting for those of us who
receive, or will receive, a social care-service to
know that, unless we have the means for private
support, we have little choice over what ser-
vices will be provided. For many people with
disabilities this lack of choice is a lived ongoing
experience. Personalised Budgets afford choice
to people with disabilities about where, when,
and how their needs are met.
Personalised Budgets should be flexible to
reflect a person’s changing needs over time.
They must acknowledge that a one-size-fits-all
approach does not work. In some countries the
Personalised Budget changes in certain circum-
stances such as upon reaching a certain age or
moving from community living to nursing or res-
idential care.
The idea that a person should control his or
her budget and therefore the services received
is based on a social model of disability. This
understands disability as being caused by the
way society is organised and emphasises the
need to remove barriers that restrict the life
choices of people with disabilities. It departs
from the charity model that pervades Irish dis-
ability services. Such choice should be a
straightforward principle, but in practice pro-
gress on choice for people with disabilities has
been slow in Ireland.
A central problem is that nobody is actually
entitled to a service to begin with. Therefore
nobody is entitled to a Personalised Budget.
While there is an entitlement to secondary edu-
cation to age 18, there is no entitlement to any
service following that. The Disability Act which
was enacted in 2005 is not ‘rights-based’. This
means that a person is entitled to an assess-
ment of their need but has no corresponding
entitlement to a service, therapy or support to
address that need. You simply take what you
are given and, at present, only children are cov-
ered for the assessment.
Issues of cost have been raised as a barrier
to introducing Personalised Budgets. However,
in many jurisdictions - British Columbia for
example, it has been has shown that Direct Pay-
ments cost the same as traditional services
and, even where costs were initially higher, they
evened out over time. An issue of legal, or more
usually ‘mental’, capacity among people with
intellectual disability in particular has also
been cited as a barrier. However, the Assisted
Decision-Making (Capacity) Act will alleviate
many of these concerns about capacity once it
is commenced. Its implementation will ensure
people can get appropriate decision-making
Research has shown the positive impact of
such support on the physical and mental well-
being of people with Personalised Budgets and
how they feel more in control. This suggests fur-
ther value for money. A 2012 Value for Money
Report for the Department of Health, which
looked at disability services, recommended a
move away from block grants and towards dis-
aggregation of services. This would facilitate a
Personalised Budgets approach but has yet to
The taskforce is to be established to imple-
ment Personalised Budgets. The use of the
word “implement” is critical in signifying action
and delivery. We cannot be satisfied with fur-
ther reports, scoping exercises or pilot projects.
The task of the taskforce is to put Personalised
Budgets into effect.
Sarah Lennon is Training and Development
Officer with Inclusion Ireland
The joy of
Government must implement commitment
to move away from imposing standard
solutions on people with disabilities
by Sarah Lennon
The taskforce is to be
set up imminently now.
After a period of five
years, it could change
into a national agency.
People with a disability
must be on it.
Moments of joy: all too rare in disabilties sector