5 8 Nov/Dec 2016
Ranger states: “I phoned the forester who said
he will stop the felling immediately if requested.
Can you advise if I can stop the felling?”.
She was told, accurately, by her line manager:
“that the NPWS cannot stop such works and that
is in the remit of the Forest Service [alone]”. Work
was in fact suspended by the Forest Service on
24 March, but the ensuing review approved
resumption on the 12th of April, citing the
flooded nature of the woods as one of the rea-
sons to permit work in the drier breeding season,
and pointing out that licensed forestry felling
was exempt from the breeding-season restric-
tions that applied to landowners. As to the
woodpecker, while the presence of a pair was
confirmed “no evidence of breeding was found”,
according to the Department, belying the Rang-
er’s report of the “nest of woodpeckers”.
Work resumed on 25 April, a day after the Min-
ister for Agriculture received what was to be two
letters from the NPWS under the Forestry Con
sent Regulations seeking a suspension of the
licences until September. In fact, the NPWS cur-
rently has no authority to stop work undertaken
under a licence granted by another state
Partly because this woodland was located
near the back gate and the road, there was an
explosion of protest. Shannonside Radio
reported that “We have 10 calls from Newtown-
forbes people distressed this morning”, listeners
drawing attention to the “large amount of wood-
peckers there are in danger as are the cuckoos
and other birds and wildlife who live in the area”.
“Please do something – it’s appalling what’s
going on – there are wild animals scampering
out in the road”.
Even a sequoia went down, although when the
controversy began this year the Forest Service
sought and received a map on April 1 of the
sequoias from Scottish Woodlands with the
statement “I can confirm the sequoia will not be
felled”. One sequoia circled on the map as pro
tected had already been felled.
Nor was it lost on the public that two local
farmers had recently been fined in Longford
Court for hedgerow destruction during the bird-
breeding season. More than 8,000 people
viewed photograph of birds killed during the
works published on the internet. Mark Connellan
emailed Shannonside Radio, saying that “claims
that certain bird species were being put at risk”
meant that: “There may therefore be an implica
tion that the Estate has acted in some way which
is irresponsible or inappropriate – and if so
these allegations were utterly without founda-
tion” and “entirely baseless”. The “Estate has
acted at all times properly”, the statement from
the man who is the County’s State Solicitor said,
Scottish Woodland wrote to the Forest Service
that they would of course co-operate with the
statutory requirements. However they added the
arrogant telltale rider, “provided they were
On 17 May, Minister Creed announced that no
further felling was to take place until September,
but expressed absolutely no concern about what
would happen then. While strangely no further
felling has taken place, a witch hunt to find who
is providing photographs and information on the
destruction increasingly corrodes the demesne,
where working conditions are described as “just
like Downton Abbey”, the BBC period drama of
British aristocracy and their servants in the early
twentieth century.
And there is no sign that the underfunded and
legally frail NPWS, a dysfunctional Forest Ser-
vice, a Foundation sheltering behind
Lichtensteinian anonymity, or even a property-
protective Parliamentary system can protect our
ancient woodlands. As Village was going to
press, the harvesting machines were moving
back into the woodlands.
Tony Lowes is a Director of Friends of the Irish
The NPWS report made
no mention of the licence
restrictions to firewood, or of
the prohibition on removal
of oaks. It never referred the
fellings to the Forest Service,
the licensing authority
Oak stack at Castleforbes
Dead Chaffinch
Felled oak
Heather Humphreys, the
typically uninspired Minister
for Heritage, replied “My
Department is investigating
this matter” but it never