April 2017 4 9
Democracy as Defence against
Democracy, the worst form of government,
except for all the others, is a system of defences
designed to protect us from psychologically dan-
gerous leaders, and from one another. To
understand this, we need to recognise that
democracy is much more than the holding of
elections. In fact, as Brexit and Trump are clearly
demonstrating, elections without the rest of the
safeguards that make up the liberal democratic
system are a hazardous basis for governance.
It is useful to consider free and fair elections
as just one of seven core pillars of democracy.
The others are the rule of law which applies
equally to all, a constitution to which rulers must
abide, a prohibition on the state from imposing
a single ideology (including religious ideology)
on citizens, taxation and redistribution to pro-
tect citizens from destitution, protection for
individual human rights, and sharing of sover-
eignty to ensure that fundamental rights are
upheld. All seven pillars acting together may be
seen as constituting our modern system of lib
eral democracy.
The ways in which these pillars curtail the
power of rulers is now being demonstrated in the
US in the legal challenges to Trump’s Muslim Ban
and to his Executive Orders reversing legislation
designed to tackle global warming. In these
cases, the courts and the Constitution are serv-
ing as a check on unfettered Presidential power.
Were Trump to attempt to introduce the Muslim
register he promised during his campaign, legal
protections for individual rights and the Consti
tutional prohibition on discriminating against
citizens on the basis of religious belief would
similarly limit his actions.
Democratic and Undemocratic
Democratic systems do not only protect us
against dangerous individuals. They have also
been designed to protect against the dangerous
form of populism that has resulted in Trumpism
and Brexit and that is threatening Europe in the
form of Marie Le Pen, Victor Orban, Geert Wil-
ders, Vladimir Putin and others.
Populism occurs when a majority of citizens
feel that none of the political parties that are
supposed to represent them are in fact doing so.
In such a situation, public confidence in politi-
cians may evaporate and a populist movement
arise demanding that citizens’ interests be rep
resented once again. This positive form of
populism is the very basis of democracy. It is the
means by which society can ensure that demo-
cratically elected politicians perform the
function for which they are elected. The populist
movements we see in the US and Europe today
have arisen precisely because many elected pol-
iticians have failed to represent the interests of
large swathes of their electorates. The Financial
Crisis of 2008 imperilled democracy as many
governments were seen to bail out financial
institutions and allow those at the helm of the
financial institutions who created the crisis to
walk away with their fortunes intact - only to
impose the consequences on citizens through
austerity programmes that ruined the lives of
many. That populism should be society’s
response to such a situation is not only unsur-
prising, it is essential if functional democracy is
to be restored.
Unfortunately, however, instead of positive
populist movements demanding the strengthen-
ing of democratic control and a more equitable
economy and society, a dangerous form of pop
ulism has taken hold. This dangerous populism
shares positive populism’s roots in citizen dis
enchantment and anger at politicians who have
failed to deliver on democracy’s promises. But it
differs from positive populism in one crucial
respect. Dangerous populism diagnoses the
roots of our current problems not in unjust eco-
nomic, social and political systems, but as being
the fault of enemies – foreigners, Muslims, Mexi-
cans – who must be removed if the good old days
are to be restored.
This dangerous populism, of which Trump is
the most powerful advocate, is profoundly
undemocratic, even if it commands the support
of the majority of the population. It is undemo
cratic because it violates the other fundamental
pillars of the liberal democratic system – the rule
of law, protection for human rights for all, free-
dom of the press, and the Constitution.
Dangerous Populism and the
Toxic Triangle
It takes more than a single charismatic populist
leader, of course, to make up a dangerous popu-
list movement. Dangerous leaders are simply the
most visible manifestations of a much wider
malaise. Political scientists use the phrase ‘the
toxic triangle’ to describe the conflation of ele
ments which allow dangerous populist
movements to come to power - namely the align-
ment of a dangerous leader, a critical mass of
susceptible followers, and an environment con-
ducive to their rise.
The toxic triangle shows that removing a toxic
leader alone will not solve the problem of dan
gerous populism. Instead all three sides of the
triangle need to be addressed. The most crucial
action needed is to address the conducive envi-
ronment which is allowing toxic leaders to win
elections. Today’s political circumstances con-
stitute an almost perfect storm of inequality,
insecurity, economic hardship, terrorist threats
and democratic decline. Under such circum-
stances many who would not normally vote for
toxic leaders decide to do so. Reducing inequal
ity and enforcing fairness in economics and
politics will go a long way to undermining sup-
port for the demagogues currently shaping
western politics.
Even as conditions improve, however, a sub
stantial number of people will continue to believe
that scapegoating and discrimination are accept-
able means of ordering society. This group’s
influence must be contained through the
enforcement of laws prohibiting discrimination
and hate speech. The laws that apply in civil soci-
ety in these areas must also be enforced on
social media and online.
Saving Democracy
It is for democrats to save democracy. The politi-
cians we elect must themselves be democrats
who believe in and uphold the fundamental pil-
lars of our democratic system. As citizens we too
must believe in those principles and accept
responsibility for those we elect. Which brings
us back to our own individual psychologies. As
Naomi Klein has said, democracy is not just the
right to vote, it is the right to live in dignity. To
preserve democracy we must demand not only
that our elected representatives facilitate the
dignity of all citizens, but that we also do so.
Dr Ian Hughes is completing a book 'Disordered
Minds: How Dangerous Personalities are
Destroying Democracy', based on six years of
research on the most dangerous political fig
ures of the 20th century. He was lead author on
a previous book, 'Power to the People: Assess
ing Democracy in Ireland' (Tasc at New Island,
2007). disorderedworld.com
Dangerous populism differs from positive
populism as it blames not unjust systems, but
enemies – foreigners, Muslims, Mexicans – who
must go if the good old days are to be restored