7 6 April 2016
ost right-thinking Irish people think
the UN is progressive, scrupulous
and transparent. They may think
the Security Council is compro
mised by geopolitics but the
intiatives emanating from the General Assembly
are benign. All that worthy peace-keeping, pro-
gressive resolutions ending wars. Climate.
Children. Education.
We need then to take at look at the world's
largest corporate sustainability initiative, the
UN-managed Global Compact: “a call to compa-
nies to align strategies and operations with
universal principles on human rights, labour,
environment and anti-corruption, and take
actions that advance societal goals”.
The self-financing UN Global Compact has
attracted 13000 corporate participants and other
stakeholders in over 170 countries (including
Smurt Kappa and Business in the Community
in Ireland) with two objectives: "to mainstream
[10 worthy] principles in business activities
around the world" and "to catalyse actions in
support of broader UN goals, such as the Millen-
nium Development Goals (MDGs) and the
global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
or Global Goals, which include a historic pledge
in September 2015, to end poverty everywhere.
Impressively, this is no empty commitment, you
might think: companies have been delisted from
the Global Compact because they did not comply
with the obligation to report on progress, and the
Compact has introduced a differentiation pro-
gramme allowing businesses to distinguish
themselves by going further than the minimum
The UN Global Compacts Ten Principles are
derived from: the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environ-
ment and Development, and the United Nations
Convention Against Corruption.
The Global Compact, however, is not all it
appears. Although it can be seen as a reaction
to climate change, the Enron debacle and the
global anti-capitalism movement, it is also the
creature of the business-fetishising wing of the
UN, itself generated by some of the most right-
wing influences in international affairs and their
longstanding detestation of the UN.
For example the Charles Koch-funded Cato
Institute, a leading neo-liberal/libertarian think-
tank, and the Heritage Foundation were
assiduous critics of the UN in the 1990s. They
adopted a similar ideological strategy, empha-
sising the primacy of unfettered market freedoms
and calling for unilateral US funding cuts. The
Cato 1997 Handbook for Congress described the
UN as "a miasma of corruption, beset by
inefficiency, Kafkaesque bureaucracy and mis-
conceived programs".
Reflecting this, the Reagan administration sys-
tematically delayed the timing of US payments
to the UN by appropriating funds nine months
late, in the following US budget year. US pay-
ments to the regular UN budget, due on 31
January, began arriving in October or November,
at the very end of the UN fiscal year. Since the US
is the largest UN contributor, this occasioned the
intended stress.
Over the course of more than two decades,
neo-liberal propagandists have defined the UN
as an inefficient and unresponsive bureaucracy,
threatening to impose itself on the world's
people. Again and again, editorial writers and
newscasters have repeated the term "vast,
bloated bureaucracy," even though the UN staff
The UN’s global compact
is compromised by corrupt
members and dodgy
by Michael Smith
Businesses should support
and respect the protection of
internationally proclaimed
human rights
Businesses should make
sure they are not complicit
in human rights
Businesses should uphold
the freedom of association
and the effective recognition
of the right to collective
Businesses should
uphold the elimination
of all forms of forced
and compulsory labour
Businesses should uphold
the effective abolition of
child labour
Businesses should uphold
the elimination of
discrimination in respect
of employment and
Businesses should
support a precautionary
approach to
Businesses should
undertake initiatives to
promote greater
Businesses should
encourage the development
and diffusion of
environmentally friendly
Work Against
Businesses should work
against corruption in all its
forms, including extortion
and bribery
UN Global
Compact’s ten
The UNGC is a call to companies
to align operations with universal
principles on human rights, labour,
environment and anti-corruption
April 2016 7 7
is actually quite small.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt, who died in
February, became UN Secretary General in
1992. Under heavy pressure from the United
States and from lobby groups like the Interna-
tional Chamber of Commerce, he immediately
set to work reforming the Secretariat and elimi-
nating programmes that most irritated global
For example, the annual Human Development
Report drifted slowly rightwards after 1994 and
began to promote economic growth as the main
engine of human development. The trajectory
was not all one way. Boutros-Ghali outraged
the new conservatives by proposing global
taxes as a solution to the UN's financial crisis in
a speech in Oxford University in 1996.
Kofi Annan assumed the post of Secretary
General in January 1997. Washington had sum-
marily vetoed Boutros-Ghali's campaign for a
second term, saying it wanted a more reform-
minded helmsman for the UN. Annan is a
graduate of MIT's Sloan School of Business. In
2004, allegations were made that his son Kojo
Annan had received unethical payments but
former US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Vol-
cker led an investigation which found
insufcient evidence to indict Kofi Annan of any
illegal actions, but did find the UN’s manage-
ment structure and Security Council oversight
deficient. Annan surfaces from time to time as
one of the egregious ‘Elders’ with Mary Robin-
son and Jimmy Carter.
After just three weeks in office, Annan made
a pilgrimage to Washington to meet Congress,
particularly key conservative Senator, Jesse
Helms. He announced he would "streamline"
the UN, bringing modern business practices to
its management and setting "realistic" goals.
He committed to further budget and staff cuts.
Almost immediately Annan trundled to Davos,
Switzerland, to the annual meeting of the World
Economic Forum and also held talks with senior
officials of the International Chamber of Com-
merce. The WEF subsequently kindly installed
new video-conferencing technology that it used
itself to the cash-starved UN. Extraordinarily,
the system worked primarily to connect the Sec-
retary General and other UN leaders with
corporate executives, bypassing the intergov-
ernmental process. Around the same time the
Secretariat decided to impose an offputting
financial charge on NGOs for electronic access
to UN documents.
Annan exhorted heads of UN agencies to
open themselves to business, and to establish
partnerships with corporations. In a short time,
the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), the UN Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Devel-
opment Programme (UNDP) and other agencies
announced initiatives of this kind. In 1997, flam-
boyant media billionaire Ted Turner, who owned
CNN, announced that he was making the largest
charitable donation ever, a $1 billion contribu-
tion to the UN.
In 1998, soon after attending his second
Davos gathering, the Secretary General again
met the International Chamber of Commerce
(ICC) in Geneva. This time, there were 25 corpo-
rate enormouswigs in attendance, including
representatives of Coca Cola, Unilever, McDon-
alds, Goldman Sachs, British American Tobacco
and Rio Tinto Zinc. ICC Secretary General Cat-
taui heralded the new relationship. "The way
the United Nations regards international busi-
ness has changed fundamentally", she gloated
afterwards in the International Herald Tribune.
"This shift towards a stance more favourable to
business is being nurtured from the very top”.
The quest for reform goes on though it is now
less ideological. The United Nations Commis-
sion on Human Rights had long been vilified for
its role in promoting member states that did not
guarantee the human rights of their own citi-
zens before Kofi Annan in the In Larger Freedom
report suggested setting up a new Human
Rights Council as a subsidiary UN body. In
2006 a resolution enshrining this was passed
by 170 members of the 191-nation Assembly.
And in 2011 Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
appointed Atul Khare of India to spearhead
efforts to implement a reform agenda aimed at
increasing UN efficiency, starting with a wide-
ranging plan to streamline activities and
increase accountability.
The UN Global Compact was announced by
Annan in an address to the World Economic
Forum on in 1999 that contained all the buzz
concepts of partnership with business, "values"
rather than rules, the "threat" that grassroots
opposition might pose to globalisation. The
speech succeeded in its purpose. It drew the
attention of many corporate executives and it
attracted a good deal of positive comment from
the media. and was officially launched at UN
Headquarters in New York on July 26, 2000. The
sequence was suspicious and the initiative was
very much Annan’s own.
An academic paper in the 2013 Journal of
Business Ethics notes damningly that “all cred-
ible and publicly available data and
documentation conclusively demonstrate that
the UNGC has failed to induce its signatory com-
panies to enhance their CSR efforts and
integrate the 10 principles in their policies and
operations. The result has been a loss of public
trust and support of UNGC from important con-
stituencies among civil society organizations,
and those individuals and groups adversely
impacted by corporate activities and resultant
negative externalities”.
It notes that the UNGC is “largely dependent
on the corporate sector for its very survival. We
conclude that this dependence has in turn
impaired and would continue to hinder UNGC’s
ability to fulfill its mission. Such an outcome
raises serious questions as to the viability, use-
fulness, and continued existence of UNGC”.
In 2014 the US and EU opposed moves for
legally-binding measures to hold corporations
to account, at a meeting of the UN Human Rights
Council, citing the Global Compact as an alter-
native approach. The chair of the Global
Compact is Ban Ki-Moon but its Vice-Chair is Sir
Mark Moody Stuart. He is a non-executive chair-
man of Anglo American PLC, an ex-chairman of
Royal Dutch Shell and a director of HSBC Hold-
ings and of Accenture. He serves on the board
of Saudi Aramco.
Chey (Choi) Tae-Won is the Group Chairman
of one of Korea’s biggest business conglom-
orates or Chaebols, SK, and is a convicted
fraudster - having served seven months in
prison in 2003 for accounting irregularities
before he received a presidential pardon. His
then father-in-law was a former Korean
None-too-probing self-assessment
7 8 April 2016
The UNGC is a moral
guide dog not watchdog
and has ceded any role
of invigilating member
President. Far from any sanctions being
imposed by the UNGC he was actually invited
to join its board in 2004. Under pressure from
the media the UNGC director, Georg Kell, stated
the UNGC was a moral guide dog rather than
watchdog, it has ceded any role of invigilating
companies subscribing to its core principles.
In 2008 Chey Tae-Won quietly left the UNGC
board after he was found guilty of embezzling
nearly $47 million from two SK affiliates and
diverting the funds to personal wagers on stock
futures and options. He served a four-year
prison term before being pardoned by Korean
President Park Geun-Hye in August 2015. In
anyones terms this is damaging for the UNGC.
There are shadows over many of the UNGC’s
members. The patron sponsor of a 2013 Global
Compact ‘Leaders Summit’ in 2013 was Oil and
Gas conglomerate, Petrobas, the largest com-
pany in South America. In 2014 an investigation
by by Brazilian Federal Police and public pros-
ecutors— placed Petrobras at the centre of what
may be the largest corruption scandal in Bra-
zil's history.
Barrick Gold, a Canadian mining giant, that
joined the Global Compact in 2005 has been
removed from a New Zealand government pen-
sion fund for human rights and environmental
violations in Papua New Guinea and Tanzania.
In Chile, the company was ordered to suspend
its Pascua Lama project. Barrick Gold was fined
for $16m for environmental violations in the
Chilean-Argentinean border region.
Petrochina has been accused of being com-
plicit in supporting the Sudanese Governments
genocidal reign of terror in Darfur which
resulted in the displacement of over 2.7 million
and the deaths of over 300, 000 people.
Because Petrochina was and is signed up to
the UNGC , a formal open letter of protest was
published with over 80 signatories from legiti-
mate organisations and the request that the
UNGC investigate and if necessary remove Pet-
rochina from its membership. Nothing.
Sinopec is another oil and energy operation,
one of the biggest companies in China. It has
been mired in controversy for breaking the
Western oil sanctions in Syria and Iran. Its
former chairman, Chen Tonghai, narrowly
escaped the death penalty after his conviction
for taking over $20 million in bribes and the
conviction of other senior executives at the
company didn’t slow the submission of glowing
progress reports to the UNGC each year.
For the past seven years, Baby Milk Action
has been pursuing complaints against
Nestlé for violating the Global Compact Princi-
ples in the way it markets its baby foods. Nestlé
promotes its infant formula as the ‘natural
start. In 2013, an eight-storey building col
lapsed near Dhaka, Bangladesh, causing the
death of over 200 people. The building accom-
modated a number of garment factories
including some working for Global Compact
participant, Mango. However, the Global Com-
pact Office refuses to take action specified in
so-called Integrity Measures, or to explain its
The UNGC Foundation accepts donations
from any donor (whether corporate, foundation
or an individual) provided that acceptance of
the donation would not threaten the integrity of
the Foundation, the UN Global Compact Office
or the initiative as a whole. In general, it is
expected that contributors to the Foundation
will be participants or other stakeholders of the
Global Compact. There was some peripheral-
ised criticism of the initiative but the leading
critic, an ‘informal network’ known as Global
Compact Critics which systematically criticised
the Global Compact, citing a lack of mecha-
nisms for sanctioning non-compliance or lack
of progress, but was strangely formally dis-
banded in February 2015.
It suggested that interested parties consult
the Centre for Research on Multinational Corpo-
rations (SOMO) website.
Similarly, the Alliance for a Corporate-Free
UN, which also no longer exists, was a cam
paigning organisation of several international
NGOs, led by Corpwatch, which highlighted
weaknesses in the principles underlying the
Global Compact.
A paper by Irishman Tom Cunningham, of
DePaul University, delivered to the Vincential
Ethic Conference in Chicago suggests that the
UNGC is in denial that it is in effect engaging in
moral arbitrage. He told Village that the ‘prin-
ciples’ should be reframed as aspirational
‘goals’ lest they serve to cloak members with
an unmerited ethical imprimatur, from the strin-
gent UN.
He notes that the UNGC is actually a US-
based charity and so escapes scrutiny from the
UN ethics officer and that it benefits from less
stringent accounting obligations than other UN
Cunningham's attempts to get details of
funding have, on occasion, been stonewalled.
He also expressed concern to Village about the
over-representation of energy companies and
the surprising lack of women, and representa-
tives of environmental and human-rights NGOs,
on the board.
In 2010 the UN's own Joint Inspection Unit
published a scathing assessment of the role
and functioning of the UNGC, describing it as a
"learning tool" not a "regulatory instrument"
and acknowledging fears of 'bluewashing'
(laundering improprietry by using the UN's
name). It made 18 sweeping recommendations
starting with the need for immediate resolution
of a clear mandate. It also recommended a stra-
tegic framework for its objectives and that the
UN General Assembly call for institution of a
selection process with "pre-set" criteria to miti-
gate "brand-management risk".
Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson is
both “supporter and a critic” of the UNGC, a
self-declared “awkward voice, supporting the
goals but pushing for more substance”. In her
opinion the commitment made by businesses
through the Global Compact principles is too
weak. She emphasises: “We cannot continue
with business as usual”. However, her criticism
is tempered. “I think the very fact that corpora-
tions are talking a language of zero carbon, of
the need to get rid of fossil fuel subsidies, of the
need for carbon pricing – thats all very impor-
tant”, she believes. I believe the Global Compact
needs to be aware of the risk of setting pro-
cesses over principles. I think many member
companies see the commitment to report on
progress towards sustainable development as
a sort of box to tick rather than something
deeper. Its too easy.
Cunningham claims
the UNGC is in denial
that it engages in moral


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