April 2015 49
MEDIA Banking Inquiry
F one thing was apparent from
the parade of senior newspaper
executives and editors before the
Oireachtas banking inquiry and the
subsequent opinion pieces, it is that
newspaper-folk are far less upset at
missing the bubble that at the idea that
they did so because of anything the
advertising department said.
Take Geraldine Kennedy as an exam-
ple. “The same editorial standards
applied in the property supplements as
elsewhere in the newspaper”, she told the
committee. “Advertisers did not write
editorial copy”, she added, addressing
a strawman no one had raised.
But perhaps her finest moment came
when she rejected the idea that Irish
Times editorial policy was subject to
political pressures. “I wasn’t bullied by
Charlie Haughey when in my 20s so I
wasn’t going to be bullied by lesser pol-
iticians in my 50s”, she said. Whether
this indicates that Charlie was a great
leader, or merely that his successors are
minnows will be left to the historians.
In her defence Kennedy was able to
point out that her paper had carried the
prophetic December 2006 article by
Morgan Kelly. Likewise, Irish Independ-
ent editor Ger O’Regan was able to point
to his decision to hire David McWilliams
as evidence of his good faith. What per-
centage of these prescient newspapers’
newsprint went to these sages was not
McWilliams, for his part, told the
inquiry a month earlier that while he
was subjected to “personal and nasty
attacks” and “slapped down” by fellow
economists and senior bankers for his
analysis, he was never “muzzled” by his
editors, and was free to write what he
But while editors let McWilliams get
on with it, Julien Mercille, whose appear-
ance before the inquiry set the tone for
the questioning of the editors and media
executives, has since been the subject of
several critical articles. The most coher-
ent of these came from Dan O’Brien, who
questioned Mercille’s research meth-
odology (and his “hard left” ideology).
Others were less focused. Ger O’Regan
launched a rambling broadside in the
Sunday Independent, starting off by
quoting Donald Rumsfeld’s “unknown
unknowns” and imagining commit-
tee member Joe Higgins as an Albanian
“commissar for economics”, before
ending with a dismissal of the “obscure
academic” Mercille as a “self-appointed
Leaving aside how many pro-boom or
doom-warning articles were published
or broadcast, the media module did pro-
duce a few interesting statistics.
At its peak, property advertising
accounted for 17% of revenue at the
Irish Times, 14% at the Independent,
and 7% at the Irish Examiner. By con-
trast, property advertising accounted
for a mere 0.9% of RTÉ revenues.
In his research, Mercille identi-
fied three strands which compromise
editorial independence and effec-
tive journalism: advertising revenues,
sourcing of stories, and close ties with
corporate and government interests.
The low level of reliance on property
advertising by RTÉ could therefore sug-
gest that whatever the problems were,
they weren’t due to advertising pres-
sures. Mercille is as critical of RTÉ and
its ‘Prime Time’ specials on the property
markets as he is of the newspapers.
However, while RTÉ didn’t profit
directly from property advertising to
the same extent as print, it did produce
content which fuelled the boom, accord-
ing to DIT journalism lecturer Harry
Browne, who highlighted “property
porn” TV programmes and print lifestyle
features which “encouraged readers to
constantly think about going higher and
higher up the ladder. To think about how
to get that bigger house; to think about
how to decorate their apartment in Bul-
garia, that sort of thing”.
Meanwhile, uncritical reliance on
sources was explicitly identified by
Examiner editor Tim Vaughan. “If we
were guilty of anything, and I believe we
were, it is that we believed and accepted
that institutions, such as the financial
regulatory authorities, were doing their
jobs and doing them competently with
due diligence and with appropriate
compliance policies, and with proper
political and departmental oversight”,
he said.
“We are reliant on agents of the State
to be competent, professional, open,
honest and reliable in what they do and
say, and then we report on that”.
Geraldine Kennedy echoed a similar
sentiment. “The media, as always, was
reliant on reporting the views of
the specialists, be they government,
the Central Bank, the regulator, or the
profession of economists”, she said.
“Journalists were less well-placed than
others to make an accurate assess-
ment”. Whether such views stand up to
any scrutiny in terms of the role of the
media in a democracy is doubtful.
Of Mercille’s three strands then,
advertising might not be the villain it is
often presumed. Editors do guard their
independence jealously in the face of
commercial pressures, after all. That
leaves the interlinked issues of story-
sourcing and the close ties between
media, government and corporate
In a small country like Ireland, those
may not even be compromises that edi-
tors are consciously aware of. •
The media module of the Banking Inquiry highlighted the media’s bias and
continuing unreflectiveness. By Gerard Cunningham
Unthinking self-apologists
Editors seem
unaware of
issues of
and the close
ties between
and corporate