3 8 April 2017
ITH WATER charges back, as the
Oireachtas water committee con-
siders ‘excessive use’ charges, it
is timely to look at the theory
which underlies water-pricing.
Austerity and the arrival of the Troika to Ire-
land exposed the fact that several aspects of
water services provision have been critical
issues for decades.
Not unique to Ireland, these issues have been
addressed by the roll-back of what is known as
the ‘hydraulic’ or ‘municipal’ model of water pro-
vision and the roll-out of what Karen Bakker has
called a market environmentalist model. This
shift remains uneven and contested.
The hydraulic model, which evolved after
states first took interest in supplying water as a
public good and a public health measure in the
nineteenth century, treated water as a plentiful
resource. Provision was supply-led, with an
emphasis on equity and universal access. Water
was paid for primarily through general taxation,
and user charges, in place across Europe, were
treated as a supplementary form of income. For
infrastructure costs too great for general taxa
tion, government bonds were issued.
Crises in municipal water services date from
the 1970s, when several aspects of the hydraulic
model became no longer tenable. In particular,
ageing infrastructure required new investment,
in a strained financial climate. Other pressures
have since emerged, including: the cost of devel-
opments in water treatment technologies;
higher health and environmental standards for
drinking water which, in the case of EU member
states, are set supra-nationally; and threats to
supply induced by climate change, with drought
and flooding affecting the quality and continuity
of supply.
Market environmentalism marks the merger
of neo-liberal thinking about the role of the State
and the growing influence of market-based
thinking in solving environmental problems. The
hallmarks of the market environmentalist model
of water provision are that it is demand-led and
fully costed. In the process the understanding of
water as a public good is displaced by the under-
standing of water as an economic good. It is
assumed that the price signal is a key policy
instrument for regulating demand and supply,
as well as central to changing behaviour, ‘valu-
ing’ the environment and conserving scarce
natural resources. This is underpinned by a dis-
course of ‘state failure’. The state is berated for
its neglect of water services infrastructure, yet
public funding and public management is also
assumed to be a sub-optimal solution leading to
inefficient and unaccounted-for subsidies which
private-sector involvement and commercial-pric-
ing rules will overcome.
In practice, private involvement in the water
utility sector has grown in a variety of complex,
hybrid relationships. With the exception of Eng
land and Wales, ownership of water supply
systems in Europe have remained in public
hands. Rather than complete state withdrawal
via privatisation, the neo-liberalisation of water
can involve the roll-out of new institutions and
the forging of complex state-market relation-
ships. These include the commercialisation of
water utilities, as well as their financialisation in
the sense of the increasing influence of financial
motives in how water is funded and managed,
and the commodification of services.
Ireland’s water services funding challenges
stem from the decision to abolish domestic rates,
under which water charges were subsumed, in
1978. As early as 1983, local authorities were re-
granted the power to levy charges for water,
sewerage and waste. Mounting resistance and
the near political success of an anti-water charge
candidate in a Dublin by-election led to the with-
drawal of local authority power to charge
domestic users for water, in 1997. Against that
background also an exemption from the water
charges element of the EU Water Framework
Directive was sought and achieved by the Irish
State. However, even during the early to mid-
2000s, domestic water charges were never
completely off the political agenda.
By the late 2000s, before the arrival of the
Troika, ideas to re-introduce water charges, to
introduce domestic water-metering, and to
rationalise the sector by creating a single water
utility burgeoned in domestic policy proposals.
In particular, recommendations made in 2009,
by both the Commission on Taxation, and by the
Special Group on Public Service Numbers and
Expenditure Programmes, bore the increasing
influence of market-environmentalist ideas
regarding water pricing and cost recovery. Troika
conditions relating to full cost recovery for water
Even with the likelihood of charges for
wasteful use of water, as recommended
by the Report on the Funding of Domestic
Public, the State will remain much more
central to water provision than under erring
market environmentalist models
by Fiona Dukelow
Market environmentalism assumes that the price
signal is a key policy instrument for regulating
demand and supply, as well as central to changing
behaviour, ‘valuing’ the environment and conserving scarce
natural resources. This is underpinned by a discourse of ‘state
failure and a pro-PPP agenda’.
It's everywhere in Ireland
April 2017 3 9
services and the establishment of a water utility
that would become self-funding over time were
therefore not completely new and externally
imposed ideas.
However, attempts to commercialise and
financialise the management and funding of
water by establishing Irish Water as a commer-
cial semi-state company, and efforts to
commodify water by converting citizens into
Irish Water customers have all essentially failed.
Resistance to water charges has, in effect,
rejected the notion of water as an economic good
and asserted its unique social properties as a
good held in common, and a basic need essen-
tial to human life, which should therefore be
provided without regard to ability to pay. The
likelihood of charges being limited to excessive
or wasteful use of water, as recommended by the
'Report on the Funding of Domestic Public Water
Services in Ireland', means that the state, and
the social aspects of water, remain much more
central to water provision than countenanced by
the market environmentalist model and its world
of water customers.
Yet the Report’s ‘fix’ on the matter of domestic
water charges does not allay the long-standing
challenges associated with adequately funding
water services provision. As well as the chal-
lenge of defining what excessive or wasteful use
of water IS, the challenge of how to fund water
provision, whether as “a dedicated tax, a
broadly-based fiscal instrument, or an adjust-
ment to existing taxes”, as the Report puts it,
remains. Irish Water estimates that capital costs
associated with up-grading water-services infra-
structure, to comply with quality standards, are
in the region of €13 billion. Though not limited
to domestic water supplies, the Environmental
Protection Agency suggests that Ireland is a long
way off meeting the legal requirements on water
quality specified by the EU Water Framework
Directive. In addition, lack of compliance with
the Urban Waste Treatment Directive in 38 loca-
tions across Ireland has resulted in an
infringement case being taken by the European
Commission against the State.
While efforts since 2010 to neo-liberalise
water along market environmentalist lines have
not progressed and reflect a long back-story of
political troubles with water charges, in other
respects there has actually been a longer and
less visible process of neo-liberalising water ser-
vices delivery.
Since the State embraced Public Private Part
nerships in 1999, research by Eoin Reeves shows
that over sixty per cent of all Public Private Part-
nerships in operation are contracted in the water
sector. A strong element of the rationale for pre-
ferring PPPs is the assumed value for money over
traditional public-sector procurement which, as
Reeves has found, undermines the objectivity of
value-for-money tests. Moreover, there is very
little transparency involved in the procurement
process. These contracts typically operate on a
design, build and operate procurement model,
with contracts awarded to private companies for
up to twenty years. Previous local government
procurement practice involved issuing separate
contracts for the design-and-build element of
infrastructure followed by the takeover of facili-
ties by Local Authorities. Existing contracts still
have some years to run. On termination, because
of the switch in government role from provision
to regulation and monitoring, skills and exper
tise in the public sector in the operation of water
services will have been lost. This increases the
likelihood of re-contracting the services to pri
vate operators.
Under the Water Services Act (No.2) (2013),
970 contracts for water services were trans
ferred from local authorities to Irish Water. Not
all of these are for full design, build and operate
services, but they do give an indication of the
range of transnational water corporations
involved in providing services in Ireland. These
include Veolia Ireland which operates more than
30 plants, and Glan Aqua a subsidiary of the Por-
tuguese group Mota-Engil, also operating
approximately 30 water treatment plants. Other
companies include Aecom whose global head-
quarters are in Los Angeles and which is involved
in design, build and operate infrastructural pro-
jects across 160 countries. Companies with UK
origins such as Severn Trent Response, North
umbrian Water Projects, Anglian Water
International (the latter two now owned by
global investment consortia) also have an Irish
presence. Since the establishment of Irish Water
a total of 115 design-build-operate contracts,
operating across 232 different sites were trans-
ferred from Local Authorities. Internationally, as
Global Water Intelligence has found, Public Pri-
vate Partnerships have become the preferred
mode of operation of many private water compa-
nies, because they represent model of making
money out of water that is more bankable than
outright private ownership.
The commodification and commercialisation
of water-services provision has failed, yet this
failure sits alongside a longer-term process of
privatising the operation of water-services infra-
structure. Meanwhile the challenges of
adequately funding water services and more
broadly protecting water as an environmental
resource remain unsettled.
Dr Fiona Dukelow is College lecturer in Appied
Social Studies, University College Cork
This article is based on ‘Irish water services
reform: past, present and future’ in Murphy and
Dukelow (editors 2016), 'The Irish Welfare State
in the Twenty-First Century: challenges and
Resistance to water charges has rejected the
notion of water as an economic good and
asserted its unique social properties as a good
held in common, and a basic need essential
to human life, which should therefore be
provided without regard to ability to pay


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