April/May VILLAGE
HE chances of finding wreckage from Malaysia
Airlines MH would appear to be far greater
than discovering any semblance of plausibility in
the Governments account of recent events surrounding
An Garda Síochána.
To swallow the Fine Gael/Labour story requires – to
use the original phrase from Coleridge – “the willing
suspension of disbelief. The tale that the Taoiseach
and Tánaiste would have us believe may lack the literary
greatness of the Ancient Mariner, but it more than makes
up for it in its outlandishness. Lets try to simplify mat-
ters by focussing on one aspect: the role of the Secretary
General in the Department of Justice. Most people who
have ever had the privilege of serving in Government
cannot fathom how a Sec Gen could behave in such an
unaccountable way. We are told that Mr Purcell did not
immediately pass on a vital letter to his Minister, when
the Commissioner requested him to do so. Was there no
conversation and no text or email in this era of instant
communication? We have also been told that a meeting
took place between the Garda Commissioner and officials
from the Justice Department and the Attorney General’s
office to discuss the fall out from the Tapes issue, but
again, apparently, none of them said a word to Minister
Shatter. They just didn’t feel it appropriate to keep him
in the loop. But the story now takes a very unexpected
The Taoiseach, without reference to his Minister for
Justice, contacts the Sec Gen and asks him to visit the
embattled Commissioner in his home. So far, so bizarre.
But just when you think it can’t get any more compli-
cated, the thick plottens. According to sources close to
the Commissioner (who have become talkative lately)
Mr Callinan was asked not to withdraw the derogatory
remarks he made regarding the whistleblowers at the
PAC. These a re the rema rks th at Leo Varadkar a nd Labou r
Ministers had asked him specifically to withdraw.
Varadkar has now found that, while it may be easy to
earn plaudits for opening a can of worms, its impossible
to squish all of the worms back into the can once you’ve
opened it. Expressing ‘absolute confidence in Minister
Shatter isn’t going to do it. And Labours backing for
Minister Shatter won’t be enough either, because even-
tually the suspension of disbelief becomes impossible.
Let’s return briey to the Sec Gen (it’s easy to digress in
this saga). Weve been told that he did not tell his Minister
in advance about his crucial meeting with Commissioner
Callinan; nor did the Taoiseach communicate with the
line Minister on the issue. Why did neither of them feel it
necessary to contact Minister Shatter? If the full account
given by the government is true – and lets again sus-
pend disbelief and assume that it is – then we have a
dysfunctional Department of Justice and a dysfunctional
Government. Why the Taoiseach, who has been rela-
tively surefooted until now, would centre himself in the
controversy is not clear. For the first time in his tenure,
there is a sense of foreboding in the cabinet and on the
backbenches. Nothing concentrates the mind of a poli-
tician more than the prospect of losing votes.
Government TDs who have been out on the canvass
with local election candidates know that this is a bad one.
The public aren’t buying it, and Minister Shatter (per-
haps to the relief of Ministers Hogan and Reilly) has now
become a lightning rod for discontent. There is no relief
in sight. A government that has excelled in spin now nds
that factions and individuals are spinning their own ver-
sions. Thus we have Labour sources telling us that they
put one over on Shatter by getting a new Garda author-
ity, while the Guards continue to brief certain favoured
And who benefits from all of this chaos? Well, Micheál
Martin and Niall Collins have done well, as have the
United Left Alliance, but the big winners – as I’ve said
many times in this column – will be Sinn Féin. A wise
old political observer here in Ringsend recently asked
me if had I noticed how the Sinn Féin representatives
had begun to speak ‘like barristers.’ It was intended as
a compliment. The point is that increasingly the middle
classes can identify with the well spoken and respect-
able Shinners. Just watch as they make big inroads into
the leafy suburbs in the local elections..
The government parties will inevitably lose seats. That
won’t be the main worry of the wiser heads in Cabinet.
They know that the public’s gullibility has its limits and
that eventually the Governments credibility will be shot.
The sacking of the Commissioner may have seemed to
be politically expedient, but hes now hanging like
Coleridge’s Albatross, around Endas neck.
Why did Callinan and
Kenny not tell Shatter?
Sinn Féin is
benefitting from
the suspension
of disbelief
John Gormley


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