April 2016 4 5
ommemorations for the centenary of
the 1916 Rising are well underway.
This anniversary is being marked in
a much less sanitised way than pre-
vious significant Easter Week
commemorations. This is very welcome. For far
too long, ceremonies celebrating the 1916
Rising were based on a highly simplified, mono-
chrome account of history: Rebels good, Brits
bad, civilians ignored. We did not see pictures
of dead bodies. Few official accounts men-
tioned the deaths of women and children
caught in the crossfire. This time around, things
are different.
The vital research work of many historians
and others has contributed greatly to the gen-
eration of this more complex understanding of
the 1916 Rising. We now know that approxi-
mately 488 people were killed during Easter
Week. Of these, 40 were children, and over 200
were civilians. There were about 120 British sol-
diers killed, and 60 rebels. These numbers are
as significant as the numbers we have tradition-
ally associated with commemorations marking
Easter Week: the seven signatories of the Proc-
lamation, and the 16 men executed.
It is timely to reflect on four key themes
which should shape, and to some extent are
shaping, the centenary commemoration pro
cess: de-militarisation; contextualisation;
inclusivity; and humanisation.
Commemorations should not be over-milita-
ristic, nor should any death or killing be
‘celebrated’. This is even more necessary in the
wake of the recent Brussels atrocity which
showed the immense human tragedy of mixing
religion, politics and violence. The events
organised throughout Dublin for Easter Monday
under the ‘Reflecting the Rising’ banner were
far more in keeping with an inclusive spirit of
commemoration, than the military parade that
took place on Easter Sunday.
In a similar spirit, commemorations should
reflect the context of the time. The rise of impor-
tant social movements, in particular the trade
union and suffragette movements, as well the
Irish cultural revival, should be marked along-
side the nationalist struggle.
The commemorations must be inclusive.
Where official ceremonies include religious ser-
vices, these must be carried out with respect for
humanists, atheists and people of minority reli-
gions. Similarly, commemorations must be
inclusive of both women and men. We now
know, from the great work of feminist histori-
ans, that 77 women involved in the 1916 Rising
were arrested along with their male colleagues
at the end of Easter Week. Inclusivity also means
remembering the many thousands of Irishmen
who fought and died in World War I, but whose
lives and deaths were not officially commemo-
rated for many decades after independence.
Commemorations must become humanised.
It is welcome to see this happening in this cen-
tenary year. Many official and unofficial events
have incorporated the telling of individual eye-
witness accounts: some noble, some tragic,
some humorous, and some poignant. These
include stories like that of Catherine Byrne, who
jumped through a side window of the GPO to
join the male Volunteers inside. They include
that of two-year old Sean Foster, who was shot
dead in crossfire while being wheeled in a pram
by his mother Katie on Church Street, and
whose father had died on the Western Front the
year before. In bringing these stories to the
fore, we come closer to realising the past and
to remembering the dead in a respectful and
inclusive way.
It is very welcome to see these four themes
informing the 2016 commemoration process. Yet
it appears that they are not embraced univer-
sally. The Glasnevin Cemetery Trust has carried
out hugely important work in compiling accurate
data on all the 488 people killed during the 1916
Rising. It is constructing a Necrology wall to
mark all of their deaths in a non-judgemental
fashion. It is unfortunate that some of the 1916
Relatives Association do not support this
approach to commemoration. And that there
was some scuffling at the recent unveiling.
It seems that, for them, even 100 years on,
there is still a hierarchy of grief. Those who still
seek to elevate some deaths over others are
themselves harking back to the old mono
chrome view of Easter Week. Their view should
not prevail.
The reality is that the concept of ‘commemo-
ration’ is always problematic. Ultimately, we
should not seek to replace ‘history’ with ‘com-
memoration’. Commemoration is a largely
artificial concept, itself tending towards saniti-
sation. History is messy, complex, ambiguous
and contradictory. The history of the 1916 Rising
should be marked and remembered in a way
that is appropriate to that reality. Accurate his-
torical research, inclusive contextualised
events, and vivid eye-witness accounts should
replace empty commemorative ceremonies.
Our process of marking the 1916 Rising
should be de-sanitised, to reflect the real com-
plexity of the history of the struggle for Irish
Yes to history,
no to commemoration
Accurate research, inclusive
contextualised events, and vivid
accounts should replace empty
commemorative ceremonies
by Ivana Bacik
488 people were killed -
40 were children, and over
200 civilians. 120 British
soldiers were killed, and
60 rebels.
Sean Foster was killed on Church St. He was two.