I wonder if anyone is considering the implications for this proposed referendum that is being sought to protect us from the privatisation of Irish Water
Over the next nine months Village might usefully focus on the real possibilities for a reformed local government system and a progres-sive majority on our Councils across our country
On the Children’s Referendum Dear Editor, The Government statement that the proposed children’s rights amendment to the Constitution will be a “strong, robust article designed to enhance the constitutional protection of children from abusive situations” is somewhat lacking in credibility. Already we have two child-specific constitutional obligations in our Constitution, neither of which is […]
Stop the health cuts Dear Editor, The assets of the wealthiest 300 Irish citizens have increased by 12 billion to 62 billion over the past two years. Net assets of the top 300 Irish citizens have increased by 4.9 billion Euro in the year 2011 and by 12 billion Euro in the past two […]
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