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The presence of gardaí at evictions may lead tenants to believe that they have no choice but to vacate their home. By Conor Doyle. Video footage emerged last Thursday of the latest iteration of what’s become a familiar scene. Men, dressed head to toe in black, with dark glasses and face coverings (although on this […]
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Taking housing from scandal to right
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The law can help: starting with a referendum by David Langwallner There are human rights to food, water, healthcare, a minimum standard of living, and housing. Despite western opposition they found their way into the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966). They have wrongly been denied as rights in Ireland since […]
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Build More Social Housing
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Local authorities built only 394 homes in 2017 by Mel Reynolds MINISTER FOR FINANCE Paschal Donohoe set out the stall for Social Housing in Budget 2018: “I am allocating a total of €1.83bn for housing in 2018. Some 3,800 new social homes will be built next year by local authorities and approved housing bodies…1”. […]
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FIRE, after Grenfell
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”Nothing to see here” approach means Ireland’s Fire Safety Task Force was wrongly comprised, only looked at buildings over 6 storeys and assessed only half of the 226 buildings identified as at risk By Orla Hegarty and Lorcan Sirr IT WAS PURE LUCK that the March 2015 fire in Millfield Manor in Kildare didn’t […]