Tony Lowes

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    Ming: Mob rules OK

        What happens when  the Guards don’t support the Government and the media won’t report the Guards? One of the most frustrating and revealing aspect of the war over turf cutting – and there are many – was the media’s failure to report what actually happened on the night of Wednesday 20 June 2012 […]


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    Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney seems bent on leaving a biodiversity wasteland – and once again forcing the emigration of the last small farmers that keep the hills alive.


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    NOTICE TO TURF CUTTERS (Tony Lowes’ Blog)

    An appeal from Friends of the Irish Turf Cutters not to take the fall for Government inaction and incompetence and go jail because successive elected officials and civil servants have undermined their way of life. Why should they punish themselves by going to jail when it is the Ministers of the time and the civil servants – many of them still there – who should be suffering for the lose of their traditional rights? False hope was what they have been given – and up the garden path they have been led.


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    Spot the slimy creatures – Healey Rae and the Kerry slug

    This week Kerry County Council blamed the Kerry slug from holding up the Macroom By Pass through a Judicial Review. But in fact the Judicial Review is being taken many miles from the home of the slug to protect a national monument. The traffic hell that the residents of Macroom are enduring is being blamed on the wrong slimy creatures.


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    Hogan blows it in Brussels

    Our new Minister for the Environment blew it in Brussels when it transpired that his claim that Ireland was protecting its raised bogs was exposed as dramatically false by an NGO Report with more than 700 photos of savage destruction covered in the current Village magazine. In trying to undo the damage, he and his climate sceptic sidekick Conor Sheehan encouraged unrealistic ‘compromises’ to benefit the turf cutters that they know Europe will not allow. Tony Lowes’ blog asks why.


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    Doomed Nuclear ‘Renaissance’

    Tony Lowes blogs on the ‘nuclear renaissance’ now underway around the world with nations and power companies, often global consortiums, scrambling to build more and more nuclear power stations – including the 113 reactors planned along the Asian Rim earthquake fault that just shifted and the 104 reactors built on fault lines in the USA. As George Mombiot writes that ‘As a result of the disaster at Fukushima, I am no longer nuclear-neutral. I now support the technology’, Lowes points out that the limited amount of uranium left means that in 60 years that too will run out – leaving us to count the cost in money and human health caused by not switching now to renewable energy.


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    Phil Hogan interviewed (2009)

    Interview: Phil Hogan wants to be Minister for the Environment but has a cautious agenda   Fine Gael’s environment spokesperson would leave well enough alone at local authority level   Tony Lowes Phil Hogan entered politics as a Kilkenny County Councillor on the death of his father,  when he was 22 years old, rising to […]


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