The funding from Coimisiún na Meán for court and local-democracy reporting should not be financial aid to publishers and broadcasters but rather the promotion of journalism
by Village
The funding from Coimisiún na Meán for court and local-democracy reporting should not be financial aid to publishers and broadcasters but rather the promotion of journalism
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by Village
The reason your newspaper is thin and thinly written is because of declining readership and profitability
by Village
Loaded racist language is intended to fudge circumstance-driven fear and foreigner-oriented hatred
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by Village
But history’s monsters may be partially tamed by a rereading of a work of mythology by a genius described by Shaw as “the greatest living Irishwoman”
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by Village
When I went to the bird feederThe holly tree said send her my love.
by Village
Our job is to effect transformation: of that moment of illumination, of that conversation, of how atoms in a room change when a troubled individual walks in
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by Village
Temple Bar authority let Smock Alley Theatre off €359k in rent but pretends arrears, as it is wound up, are only €54,766 and total liabilities €174,089
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by Village
Keir Starmer, a bureaucrat who looks at government as a problem to be solved by missions, pledges and steps which shift
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by Village
Triple Lock: What is it and why we should keep it
by Village
Peter Casey (66): Irish entrepreneur, former Rank Xerox Asian Sales Manager of the Year, CEO of Claddagh Resources recruitment company, former panellist on Dragons’ Den, candidate for Irish President in 2018 – one of three Dragons, coming second after attacking travellers, and in 2019 and 2024 for the European Parliament in Midlands-North-West; and racist fool.
by Village
Renters across the country continue to be compelled to share bedrooms with strangers despite calls from housing organisations to introduce legislation that prevents the “warehousing” of tenants. By Conor O’Carroll New analysis by Village Magazine of rental listings has found the practice of multiplying the number of occupants in a room remains widespread, forcing many […]
by Village
As government again removes asylum-seekers and their tents, the notion of ‘a criminal offence in principle’ remains unknown to law and the Canal Act expressly disapplies itself to persons using canal property for less than a week in one place. By Michael Smith. Ten days ago, on 11 May, I asked the Department of the […]
by Village
Although the Department of Enterprise originally did not disclose the number, it has now revealed that all 18 of the 18 applications reviewed in the audit of the Immigrant Investment Programme were found to be deficient. By J Vivian Cooke. Further details have emerged about the Department of Justice’s 2019 internal audit of the Immigrant […]
by Village
Conclusive proof of ‘Black Diaries’ forgery, finally. By Paul Hyde. Among the diaries attributed to Roger Casement there is a cash ledger for 1911 which is also part diary. This has been scrutinised by several authors, most closely by Jeffrey Dudgeon, the Belfast researcher who is today the leading forgery denier. In 2002 Dudgeon published […]
by Village
Private-jet travel is up to 14 times more polluting than commercial flights By Conor O’Carroll The government has hired private jets to transport the Taoiseach to foreign engagements and summits despite the availability of commercial options. Over the past twelve months, hundreds of thousands of Euro has been spent hiring private jets due to the […]
by Village
Con McCarthy paid €15,000 to walk away from conviction for unprecedented case of suffocating badgers near Citywest. By Donna Mullen. Con McCarthy, a developer, planned to construct a warehouse in Brownsbarn, Citywest, Dublin, and hired an ecologist, Brian Keeley, to conduct a badger survey in February 2022. Brian Keeley found two adult badgers bringing bedding […]
by Village
Dodgy Donegal County Council and its acting director of planning: still at it
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by Village
The opinion polls show the Green Party marooned on 4% (or 5%), a disgraceful haul for the party with the agenda of the epoch but about right for a party that is abjectly failing on signature cli-mate targets
by Village
There’s been a bloody pothole outside the Village office for the last two weeks. It’s the size of a badger and right in the bus lane outside