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    O’ Carroll corollary.

    By Ivana Bacik. In a recent short video, filmed by director Lenny Abrahamson, Mrs Brown – comedian Brendan O’Carroll, explains why she will be supporting the marriage equality referendum. She wants her gay son Rory to have the same opportunity for happiness as everyone else’s son. It’s a simple but effective statement that sums up […]


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    Labour should seek repeal of Eighth amendment.

    By Ivana Bacik. This summer we saw yet again the tragic consequences of the Eighth Amendment. In the Ms Y case, a young rape victim, an asylum seeker with a crisis pregnancy, was denied the abortion she sought, and ultimately forced to endure invasive medical procedures against her will. She had sought an abortion early […]


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    Inexorable ascent of women electoral candidates

    By Ivana Bacik. Selection conventions are now being held across the country to bring forward candidates for the May 2014 local and European elections. It is timely to revisit the issue of women’s representation in politics, especially in the new context created by the enactment of the Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Act 2012. This Act […]


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    Reclaiming the Family

    Feminists must extend the definition of family to include gay and straight, single-parent and extended families; and embrace paternity leave Article by Ivana Bacik Feminist campaigns for women’s rights – for equality in law, for access to affordable childcare, for reproductive rights – should encompass a campaign for paternity leave. After all, feminism is about […]


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    Flowering feminism by Ivana Bacik

    What is the current state of Irish feminism? There are those who repeat the mantra that feminism is dead, but others who point to signs of a revitalised women’s movement. The truth is that feminist activism may be re-emerging, but there are many challenges to overcome. In assessing this it is useful to take a […]


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    Where are all the young feminists?

        By Linda Kelly.   If ever there was a question to raise the hackles on the back of my neck, it is the question ‘Where are all the young feminists?’ A question which is never posed without the accompanying critique that young women simply don’t care about equality or about the path that […]


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