The opinion polls show the Green Party marooned on 4% (or 5%), a disgraceful haul for the party with the agenda of the epoch but about right for a party that is abjectly failing on signature cli-mate targets
Climate Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy, and Socialism” between linguist and political critic Noam Chomsky, Chilean exponent of the Marxist-Collapsist theoretical current Miguel Fuentes, and American ecologist and evolutionary biologist Guy McPherson.
Reply from Noam Chomsky to the Interventions of Miguel Fuentes and Guy McPherson in the first part of the debate “Climate Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy, and Socialism
THE CASE for gay rights, pioneered in the 1980s in this country by David Norris through the courts and the European Con-vention on Human Rights, is unanswerable.
BORD PLEANÁLA: O’BRIEN REVERTS TO RAY BURKE ERA LEGISLATIVE ETHOS Media ignore Department of Housing’s disarray over how to appoint a new Chairperson to guide discredited planning appeals body By J Vivian Cooke and Michael Smith Ireland’s crisis-raddled planning appeals board, An Bord Pleanála (ABP), is an independent, statutory, quasi-judicial body that deals with appeals […]
4August/September 2022 VillageMagazine published correspondence in November 2020 under the headline ‘Leo Always Delivers’. It showed that in April 2019 then-Taoiseach Leo Varadkar transferred the confdential draft (it was subsequently amended 30 times) heads of agreement for the contract being negotiated between government and the Irish Medical Organisation to a friend of his. That friend […]