Why Greens are blue: the facts show the Greens’ record in Government is deplorable.
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Why Greens are blue: the facts show the Greens’ record in Government is deplorable.
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The Green Party should be – and appear to be – this century’s equivalent to the trade union movement. By Councillor Oliver Moran. Protests against environmental taxes in Europe, farmers’ blockades in the Netherlands, urban unrest in France, and the water-charges movement here in Ireland should cast a long shadow for the Green Party in […]
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A reply to Adam McGibbon and Michael Rafferty of the Just Transition Greens. By John Vivian Cooke. Quo Virides (Whither the Green Party)? In their recent articles in Village Magazine, Adam McGibbon (Just Transiti ON) and Michael Rafferty, (Just Transition are Left insurgents in the Green Party aiming higher than ¨internal opposition¨), debated the future of the […]
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A reply to Adam McGibbon’s recent article in Village. By Michael Rafferty. Adam McGibbon’s summary in Village of the birth of the ‘Just Transition Greens’ (JTGs) recalls the relatively modest experience of the Green Party’s eco-socialists in mitigating some of the worst facets of their involvement in a previous coalition government. But these counted for little when […]
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The Green Party needs Just Transition Greens to make it possible to negotiate a more ambitious programme for government. By Adam McGibbon. As the Green Party leadership election drew to a close last month, a new green-left affiliate organisation – the ‘Just Transition Greens’ – was born. The foundation of the Just Transition Greens, announced in a […]
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A reply to Conor Lenihan looking at the convoluted practice in Belgium. By John Vivian Cooke. In his article in Village, (¨Risks of high political instability are being underestimated¨, 30 May), Conor Lenihan outlined the factors threatening Irish politics with continued instability. He detailed the calculations of electoral advantage that, in the end, led to an […]
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The leaderships of all three of the potential coalition participants – Greens, FF and FG – are in play. By Conor Lenihan. An initial political risk assessment for Ireland now would rate the country as “unstable”. There is little happening at Leinster House that would re-assure external investors. It is over three months since the […]