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The deep Irish background to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. By Joseph de Burca

Ghislaine Maxwell goes on trial in NY tomorrow. She was a key figure in a paedophile network that serviced Royalty, most notably Prince Andrew.

She was the right hand of Jeffrey Epstein who was the key player in the modern iteration of a well-established vice ring which overlapped with other similar groups and rippled across the Atlantic to Europe.

Donald Trump and Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn helped run the network before Epstein. Cohn was one of Donald Trump’s most influential mentors. Epstein and Cohn supplied children to influential figures including Royalty and senior politicians. The purpose was to gather ‘kompromat’ for blackmail purposes. Epstein was an operative of an as yet unnamed intelligence service in the sphere of the US.

There is a shocking and sickening Irish connection to the Cohn-Epstein paedophile scandal. Village exposed it in July 2020. An in-depth account can be read here: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.

See also: Trump’s child abusing attack dog. The only lawyer Trump professes to admire these days was a well-known paedophile, child trafficker and blackmailer who was disbarred from practice.

