Reimagine RTÉ looking to fresh, non-linear modern and less commercial Irish, and international, models including TG4, Waterford Whispers News, Novara Media, TikTok and Instagram
by Village
Reimagine RTÉ looking to fresh, non-linear modern and less commercial Irish, and international, models including TG4, Waterford Whispers News, Novara Media, TikTok and Instagram
The new production at the Gate makes Medea’s children more than mere victims By Anna Mulligan Like the play itself, the set for Oonagh Murphy’s Medea walks the line between the mundane and the mythic. The children have a teddy bear named Hercules, and the play takes place in a bedroom whose sloping sides, rising […]
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WEATHER FORECASTS were always things for older people, like manners and leaf tea. And indeed for olden days: D-Day was only possible because of some superhuman advance-weather-divining from a sage in Blacksod. Many of the ‘War’ generation seemed obsessed with the weather forecast, well beyond the point of refusing to acknowledge its shocking deviance. The […]
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Podcasting is about to take its next great leap as Google makes it easier for Android users and gets into audio advertising making Podcasting more attractive to corporate advertisers
See below : The Press Ombudsman has upheld part of a complaint that Village magazine breached the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland. The complaint was made under Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice. Other parts of the complaint are not upheld. Among the issues that have delayed […]
by Cormac Deane
In September, Elisabeth Moss twice used the word “fuck” as she accepted the best-actress Emmy for her role in the TV series ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. As it was a live broadcast, the network (CBS) was using a time delay and so was able to bleep out the offending words. There were many reports online and […]
2016 was inevitably an outstanding year for the history industry as publishers, writers, and those elements of the intelligentsia that love a good commemoration got to work on the Easter Rebellion’s hundredth anniversary. The Irish people have an interesting relationship with their own history. It is, like their relationship to Catholicism, frequently the subject of […]
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It tells an extraordinary tale that Council officials would not consider €600 significant or extensive in nature or such as to convey any appreciable benefit.
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The NPWS report made no mention of the licence restrictions to firewood, or of the prohibition on removal of oaks. It never referred the fellings to the Forest Service, the licensing authority
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Government must implement commitment to move away from imposing standard solutions on people with disabilities
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Needed: childcare, cash, confidence, culture and candidate selection
by Village
Egestas sodales dui at tincidunt. Pellentesque ut vehicula purus. Ut suscipit fermentum nunc, at suscipit urna dignissim eu. Donec quam ex, ullamcorper non
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Reading, Discussion, Talks, Poetry
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A crisis provides a chance for change. Now is the time to pull back from proposed light rail spending that doesn’t deliver value for money…