By Dónal Lavery
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP is now the new, or rather “old”, ‘shining light’ of Ulster Unionism, as part of what seems a “coronation” after an “abdication” by Edwin Poots MLA. Both are socially conservative and oppose some LGBTQ issues, both are staunch Orangemen, but both do differ in ways that can be elaborated on.
Prior to being involved in politics, Mr Donaldson was a member of the security services, having joined the Ulster Defence Regiment. But his military background is not really the point of the article. Sir Jeffrey was thoroughly acquainted with the former Tory cabinet minister and child abuser, Enoch Powell MP, as his constituency agent from 1982-84. The same Mr Powell sexually abused young Richard Kerr (a resident of the notorious Kincora Boys Home) at a hotel in Portrush, in a particularly violent manner, as well as other boys in the U.K. and Ireland. Likewise, Lord James Molyneaux was another alleged paedophile with whom Sir Jeffrey closely worked for as a Personal Assistant whilst Molyneaux was an MP. Lord Molyneaux went on to become the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party for many years and has been extensively exposed by the work of Village Magazine.

Following these associations, Sir Jeffrey became a real ‘rising star’ in the Ulster Unionist Party (without the academic loftiness which his mentor, Enoch Powell, seemed to be so entrenched in and encouraged of his protégées) first becoming an Assemblyman and then eventually succeeding the paedophile Lord Molyneaux as the MP for Laganvalley when he eventually retired.
When the Good Friday Peace Agreement was being finalised in 1998, Sir Jeffrey infamously walked out of the talks and opposed David Trimble consistently in his efforts for some time – with a suspicion he might oust Trimble as leader over the issue of decommissioning. In doing so, he eventually allied himself with Lord Molyneaux again and right-wing fanatics in the DUP and other groupings, who deeply opposed the Agreement, which included “demon pastors” like the notorious paedophile, Loyalist paramilitary and acknowledged child abuser, Alan Campbell (who was a school teacher in Belfast probed for distributing racist, pro-Apartheid material to his pupils, by the Ministry of Education and was a suspect in the murder of young Brian McDermott).

It goes without saying that Sir Jeffrey was not involved in any criminality. However, it is his judgement that is called into question: he was closely associated politically with disturbing figures who perpetrated wicked acts against vulnerable children. Arguably, this leaves such a political figure open to potential ‘ridicule’ as a very poor judge of character, a man who failed to see what these people were really like.
Astutely, Mr Donaldson went on to serve in a power-sharing administration as a Junior Minister he seemed to vehemently oppose once, after some partial concessions therein with the Saint Andrew’s Agreement in 2006-7 (which fell short of the reasons he vociferously stood against Trimble over). By this analysis, Sir Jeffrey is a ‘seasoned’ politician in ways and an able communicator, but who will probably not be capable despite even his ‘best’ efforts (or that of his party) to prevent the Brexit Protocol from being applied or to effectively ‘frustrate’ legally binding agreements reached by the two sovereign governments in London and Dublin (with the European Union) – who can simply legislate over his head if needs be, should that actually occur. He sits at Westminster, where his party are now an isolated minority faction, ignored and betrayed by the Conservatives they once kept in power under Theresa May (who as Home Secretary refused to include Kincora in the more legally ‘powerful’ Westminster based child-abuse inquiry).

Ultimately, the Democratic Unionist Party are collapsing at the seams and in time it is probable more of their peculiar “secrets” and baggage will emerge due to the consternation of those people now deposed or sidelined in this Shakespearean power-struggle which ruthlessly brought down Arlene Foster (Mr Donaldson’s ally from the Ulster Unionist Party) for reasons nobody has made forthcoming. Aside from personalities, it begs one to ask why she was even knifed in the back politically in the first place when a change of direction really seems improbable.

Much of this dark material can hardly be “news” to the DUP given the outing of their former “golden boy” of local government, Thomas Hogg, who has been exposed as a paedophile who tried to prey on a young boy and is set to be stripped of his ‘honours’ that were granted by the Queen herself on their recommendation for his services and character. Other figures remain within the party who were close political and social “buddies” of the “beast of Kincora Boys Home”, William McGrath (another self-professed evangelical preacher), and other child abusers deeply connected to that den of iniquity. Former U.K. Army Intelligence Officer, Captain Colin Wallace, has made clear his official brief was to inform the media as to the ‘dubious’ associations Unionist figures (including in the DUP) had, which left them open to ‘compromise’ and ridicule. So, this is hardly idle speculation by a Commentator but then again no secrets survive too long when others, in the state apparatus or public, acutely know of them. A widespread ethical clear-out and overhaul would be a constructive start for any DUP leader, with their fortunes severely dwindling as Jim Allister snaps at their heels!


With regard to Mountbatten: SECOND UPDATE: Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later
With regard to Prince Andrew: The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.

With regard to Prince Philip: Prince Philip’s infidelity, love children and the Profumo scandal .
With regard to Roy Cohn who was Donald Trump’s mentor: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.

Village’s online book on the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring begins here: The Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. Chapters 1 – 3.

Meghan Markle and the ABC-Buckingham Palace Child Sex Abuse Scandal: Meghan Markle and the ABC-Buckingham Palace sex-abuse scandal
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.

With regard to Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.

With regard to former British prime minister Ted Heath: Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland

With regard to Margaret Thatcher, MI5 and the murder of the lawyer Patrick Finucane: Thatcher’s Murder Machine, the British State assassination of Patrick Finucane. By Joseph de Burca.