The BBC’s Emily Maitlis has broadcast the interview she conducted with Prince Andrew about his relationship with the convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. It was billed as a ‘no holds barred’ interview. Unfortunately, Maitlis did not ask a single question about his relationship with the notorious child molester, Lord Greville Janner.
Yet the Prince’s relationship with Janner raises as many questions as that of his friendship with Epstein.
The British media has turned a blind eye to the Janner-Duke of York relationship.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex (IISCA) in London chaired by Professor Alexis Jay may soon abandon its inquiry into Janner completely. If it does, the Prince will get to heave yet another deep sigh of relief for he will not have to face questions about his friendship with Janner from that quarter either.

Alan Kerr, an Irish victim of sex abuse from Belfast, has provided the IICSA with details about the Prince’s friendship with Janner. Kerr’s story was revealed exclusively by this magazine. Readers who are not familiar with it are invited to read ‘The Boy on the Meat Rack’ and ‘Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire’ on this website. (Click on the ‘Alan Kerr’ tab at the end of this story.)

The possibility that the IICSA will not investigate Janner comes in the wake of an announcement last August that the Metropolitian Police were not going to investigate the Prince for having had sex in London with Virginia Roberts when she was 17. A spokesperson for the Met announced that it investigated allegations he had “had sex with Virginia Roberts Giuffre aged 17 in Ghislaine Maxwell’s bathroom” in London and confirmed that while they had received “an allegation of non-recent trafficking for sexual exploitation’ that ‘no further action is being taken”.
Last August Channel 4 News discovered that the Met had “reviewed the available evidence” and decided that the matter “would not progress to a full investigation”. The Met’s purported inquiry had begun with a review of the “available evidence” in 2015 after receiving a complaint over claims in US court papers that a girl was “forced to have sex with Prince Andrew”.
Independently, Roberts’ lawyers contacted the Met in 2016.
A further complaint concerning the sexual trafficking of Roberts to the UK was received by the Met in 2015 from an unconnected third party.

As Channel 4 disclosed, ‘The Met Police has refused to answer detailed questions about the allegations and whether they ever spoke to Epstein, his friend Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew or anyone from the Royal Household. Channel 4 News asked the Metropolitan Police a series of questions about Virginia Roberts’account of what she says happened to her at Maxwell’s London residence in early 2001. The Met told Channel 4 News: “[We] can confirm that the Metropolitan Police Service [MPS] received an allegation of non-recent trafficking for sexual exploitation. The MPS reviewed the available evidence and the decision was made that this would not progress to a full investigation. As such, the matter was closed”.
It will come as no surprise that the Prince chose the BBC, not Channel 4 for his interview about Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell procured and trained underage girls to have sex with adult males, as part of Jeffrey Epstein’s now infamous international paedophile ring. Roberts has spoken about how she was taken to London in 2001 by Epstein. During her trip, she was awoken from her sleep by Ghislane Maxwell who told her ‘you’re gonna meet a prince today’. That night she went out dancing with Prince Andrew in a club where he gave her alcohol and she was later ‘forced’ to have sex with him.
She claims had sex on two other occasions with the Prince. Although the Prince had precise dates, times and places at the tip of his fingers, he affected genuine surprise at the suggestion he had participated in an orgy in America with her. This demonstrates that he was putting on a performance for the cameras. His facial expression was tantamount to a lie: how could he have been so surprised at an accusation – acting as if it was the first time he had heard it – if he was long since familiar with it?


On 9 March 2016 Ben Emmerson QC for the IICSA said the Janner investigation “has been identified for an early hearing, partly in recognition of the length of time the complainants in this matter have had to wait before their allegations could be heard. The Janner investigation is one of four investigations in which preliminary hearings are being heard this month and in which early public hearing of the evidence are expected”.

The Janner strand was intended to have opened in September 2016 but was moved to March 2017. It was adjourned again in the expectation it would be heard in 2018 but was then moved to a three-week slot in February 2020. It may now not proceed at all.
Overall, the Inquiry proposes to conclude its hearing by November 2020 and publish a final report by March 2022. The threat of discontinuance of the Janner strand arises from the fact the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is considering whether or not to prosecute an unnamed individual on a referral from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). The Janner strand may not proceed while the CPS decides whether or not it will prosecute the individual. If the CPS decides to prosecute, the IICSA will have to wait until after the prosecution has been completed. By then IICSA may have completed its hearings. If there are further delays and or appeals, the IICSA may even be wound up by the time all issues are determined.

Unfortunately, the CPS was not in a position to tell the IICSA when it will arrive at its decision.
In the meantime, none of the 350,000 pages of documentation which have been amassed over the past four and half years by the IICSA have been released to witnesses such as Alan Kerr. They will never be released if the Janner strand is abandoned.

In January 2016 Sir Richard Henriques, a retired High Court judge, produced a report on Janner. Henriques had been commissioned by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to conduct an independent review of the CPS’s handling of Janner’s case.
At page 43 of his overview he stated as follows:
“I am satisfied that in 1991 there was a sufficiency of evidence for a prosecution to be commenced against Janner for offences of indecent assault and buggery with complainant 1. [5.1]
Had the statement of complainant 2 been forwarded to the CPS, there was, in my judgment, a sufficiency of evidence to commence a prosecution against Janner in 2002 for indecent assault and buggery, both with complainant 1 and complainant 2. [5.10]
In my opinion, there was sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction in 2007 and Janner should have been arrested and interviewed and his home searched. He should have been charged with offences of indecent assault and buggery with 1 complainant 1, complainant 2 and complainant 3 [5.13]”.

After a childhood blighted by neglect, and by physical and extreme sexual abuse in a string of homes in Belfast, Alan Kerr was trafficked to London by a paedophile while he was 15 or 16 years old. He decided to stay in the city rather than return to Belfast with his abuser. With no friends, skills or an education, Kerr became a teenage prostitute who serviced men. He worked on the streets of London and later at a child brothel known as the Clinic. After the Clinic he returned to the streets, more specifically to the Meat Rack on the ‘Dilly’ at Piccadilly Circus. One night, Greville Janner, then a Labour MP, “came up behind me and started talking to me”. A short while later, he escorted Alan to the bar in Dolphin Square. Alan slept with Janner each night during the week that followed. “I was desperate for somewhere to live at the time. I wanted accommodation, food and security”.
Janner would throw him back on the street in the morning and then meet up with him at night. Janner made no attempt to hide who he was or what he did. One morning Janner warned him he had “a late sitting” that night but that he was to wait for him. This, presumably, was a reference to a late sitting in the Commons.
During the course of the week, Janner invited him to go to a show in Earl’s Court. Alan was surprised but happy to accept. Janner then told him that he had to submit his – Alan’s – name for security clearance as they would be on Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson’s guest list. Alan obliged by providing his full name and his sister’s address. Janner subsequently told him that everything was “fine” with the security people.

Shortly afterwards, they attended ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ at Earl’s Court Olympia with the Royals. Janner and Alan sat directly behind the Royal couple who were in the front row, or very close to it. While they were waiting for the show to begin, Alan and Prince Andrew conversed. They also chatted during the intermission. “I had a good conversation with him. He had character. He was a cheerful guy. He was not snobby or anything. He told me he was going to open a hospital in Northern Ireland. I didn’t feel I had to bow down to him. I wasn’t nervous. Janner let me do the talking. They seemed to know each other quite well. That’s why I was able to talk to him. Sarah Ferguson didn’t speak much. She really just ignored us”.
When Janner took Kerr to see ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ he was either 17 or 18.
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson were engaged at the time of the performance. Their engagement commenced on 19 March 1986. They were married on 23 July 1986.
At the performance Prince Andrew told Kerr that he was going to open a hospital in Belfast. He subsequently visited Belfast City Hospital and then Hillsborough with NI Secretary Tom King on 25 June 1986.
Kerr was born on 8 May of 1968 which means he was 17 or had possibly just turned 18 at the time of the performance.

Janner obviously knew Alan was from Belfast and that his name would be run by MI5 and the RUC Special Branch during the security vetting process. The IICSA revealed on 24 September last that: “We have searched for, obtained and reviewed a vast range of materials from organisations including the .. Metropolitan Police, .. the Cabinet Office, .. the security and intelligence agencies, …Hundreds of thousands of pages have been provided to the inquiry. The inquiry has also obtained witness statements from a wide range of potential witnesses”.
The IICSA has amassed 350,000 pages of record in total. Presumably the guest list and the vetting records relating to the performance of ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ are now in its possession.
Although Alan Kerr is the person who relayed this information to the IICSA, he has yet to be furnished with any records relating to his security clearance.

As Village pointed out in the ‘Out of the Frying Pan’ article on Alan Kerr, it must have occurred to Janner that Kerr could easily have had one or more convictions for male prostitution under his belt. And Alan did indeed have a number of convictions. He believes – but is not certain – that he incurred some of them before he met the Prince. So, why was Janner prepared to submit his name to the officials responsible for protecting the Royals? Had he reason to believe he had nothing to fear from MI5 and the police?
Why did Janner – a married man, politician and author – take a teenage prostitute to the performance instead of his wife or some other friend? There must have been many influential people who would have been indebted to Janner for just such an invitation.
Alan Kerr is the brother of Richard Kerr. Richard Kerr was a victim of child sex abuse while a resident at Williamson House where he was raped from the age of eight and later violated at Kincora Boys’ Home. If the tabloid media in the UK had discovered in 1986 that Prince Andrew had enjoyed a social interaction – however fleeting and innocuous – with the brother of a Kincora boy, that fact alone could have generated waves of negative publicity for him, especially with the unrelenting reports about Kincora which the fearless heavyweight campaigning journalist Paul Foot was publishing in Private Eye and The Daily Mirror.

Has Andrew Parker, the Director-General of MI5 ensured that MI5 has supplied the IICSA with all of the relevant MI5 files pertaining to Janner and the Kerr brothers which are in its possession? If the Hart Inquiry in Northern Ireland into Kincora and other homes is a precedent, it will have done nothing of the sort. MI5 and MI6 swore a series of lies on oath to Judge Anthony Hart about their exploitation of the sexual indiscretions of their targets. (See ‘Johnson will defer to the Establishment but Corbyn will blow the lid’ on this website.) Judge Hart was excessively naive and chose to believe them while engaging in sloppy speculation to get over hard evidence of MI5’s actual knowledge of what was really afoot in Northern Ireland.
Hart was boycotted by many relevant witnesses who lacked confidence in him and the tepid powers he had been granted.
Worse still, Hart made no effort to contact the most important living witness available to his inquiry, a man called John Imrie. Imrie was a retired officer of MI5 and convicted sex offender. He was actually named in the House of Commons in connection with the abuse of Kincora boys. (See the John Imrie button below.) Despite the fact that the Hart Inquiry limited its inquiries, the report it produced in 2017 was still littered with mistakes and even managed to contradict itself.
In fairness to Hart he was not part of a corrupt cabal but rather a gullible man who was out of his depth when it came to swimming with the sharks of MI5 and MI6.

A previous inquiry conducted by Sir George Terry, the former Chief Constable of Sussex, was corrupt to the bone. Terry was a bent cop who covered up for child abusers without any qualms. The wider Anglo-Irish Vice Ring connected to Kincora survived as a result.
To be fair to Judge Hart, he did reveal elements of Terry’s deceit in his 2017 report. The Sussex Police did not bother to apologise to the victims of child abuse for Terry’s deceit.
Why did Terry behave in such a deplorable and callous manner?
Another deeply corrupt individual was Sir Michael Havers, the former Attorney-General. He was instrumental in setting up the Hughes Inquiry into child abuse in Northern Ireland with terms of reference which permitted Judge Hughes to investigate MI6, MI6 and the RUC’s Special Branch. Havers then secretly changed Hughes’ terms of reference to prevent this. His sleight of hand did not emerge for decades.
Why did Terry and Havers go to such lengths to protect child rape gangs?
How many lives were destroyed by letting the gangs prey on children for decades after their foul and corrupt acts. Most of these victums were orphans or abandoned working class children.
As Village also pointed out in ‘Out of the Frying Pan’ if MI5 had done its homework properly, it would have realised at some point that Alan was the younger brother of Richard Kerr. Richard was the boy who managed to expose the Kincora scandal through his social workers who told Peter McKenna of the Irish Independent about it. The link between the brothers was hardly a secret: when he had lived in Belfast, Alan had occasionally visited Richard at Kincora.
MI5 certainly kept an eye on the sexual antics of VIPs in the 1980s. It had a dedicated unit which monitored the sexual antics of Tory VIPs which was called the ‘Dolly Mixtures’. In February 1985 Frank Doherty reported in The Phoenix, that the ‘Dolly Mixtures’ had been set up on the “personal orders” of Margaret Thatcher to avoid embarrassing Tory sex scandals. At the time MI5 was led by Anthony Duff, a man with an undeniable record as a corrupt official who protected VIP paedophiles from prosecution.
It is highly likely that it or a parallel unit also monitored the young Royals. Indeed, the so-called ‘Squidgygate’ tape featuring Charles and Camilla is suspected of emanating from an MI5 leak. The Squidgygate affair is discussed at length elsewhere, e.g. Wikipedia.
Frank Doherty’s Phoenix article about the ‘Dolly Mixtures’ (published five years before the Squidgygate scandal erupted) revealed that the ‘Iron Lady’ had ordered the establishment of the unit on account of “her fear of a repeat” of the Profumo scandal. “Since 1981, on her personal orders, an elite section of MI5, operating from Gordon Street, W1, has kept a discreet eye and an attuned ear on the personal and sexual indiscretions of Tory MPs. This section, known as the ‘Dolly Mixtures’, is composed of tall, blonde males, green-wellied Sloan Rangers, Young Fogey homosexuals, and young blue-chip ‘wets’ who together form a unit superbly equipped to socialise with and report on the morale, morals and mores of Tory MPs”.

MI5 certainly appreciated the real and present danger posed by Richard Kerr to the British Establishment, and had done so for years prior to the performance at the Earl’s Court Olympia which his younger brother attended. In the early 1980s Richard lived in Preston and later in London. He had become the target of heavy-handed officials at both locations. In 1981 he had been warned by the RUC who visited him in Preston not to return to Belfast to give evidence at the Kincora trial. The RUC only wanted boys who had been abused inside the walls of Kincora by the staff to get into the witness box; not those like Richard who had been taken out of the home to places such as the Park Avenue hotel where they were made available to MI5 surveillance targets including at least one senior member of the DUP we have referred to as the “Wife Beater”. (See the ‘Wife Beater’ button at the end of this story for further details). Another target was the Wife Beater’s friend John Dunlop McKeague, the leader of the Red Hand Commando. Later, a group of police officers assaulted Richard in London to keep him quiet. On one particular occasion, he was assaulted by an undercover officer who had been listening to what he was telling his friends about Kincora in a fast-food restaurant in London.
Did the Dolly Mixtures or a similar MI5 unit or their superiors ever connect Alan and Richard Kerr? If so, was it before or after the Royal performance? The answers to all these questions could probably be answered by having a look at the files MI5 undoubtedly kept on the brothers.
Did MI5 belatedly discover who Alan Kerr was and if so, what steps did they take in the face of this development? Was Prince Andrew ever told who Alan’s brother was?
Have any of the relevant files been handed over by MI5 to the IICSA or is the latter being treated with the same contempt and disdain that was meted out to the hapless Hart?
The Home Office supported the further postponement of the Janner strand on 24 September last. MI5, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Home Office, can only have put its considerable weight behind this most desired outcome for them.
Ironically, those now defending Janner at the IICSA have signalled that they intend to challenge the evidence of those making allegations against him on the basis, inter alia, that some of them have criminal records. This is ironic because Lord Janner knew full well that Alan occasionally landed himself in trouble with the law. When Alan found himself up before the magistrates at Bow Street on a charge after they had met, he informed the MP – with whom he had now become quite friendly – about his looming appearance. Janner, who was also a barrister and friendly with a number of judges, penned a letter for him. Janner attended the hearing but didn’t have to move from his seat during the hearing. In the event, Alan was found not guilty.
And what chance had Alan Kerr but to fall into a life of prostitution out of hunger and desperation after the way his life was so cruelly derailed by child abusers such as Janner in the first place.
Alan is aware that at least one of the magistrates Janner knew also visited the Dilly to procure sex from the rent boys at it.
Overall, Alan was impressed by Janner. “He came across as a very intelligent man”, he says.
Others were impressed with him too: Janner was later made a member of the House of Lords.
With regard to Lord Mountbatten see: SECOND UPDATE: Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later
With regard to Roy Cohn who was Donald Trump’s mentor: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.
Village’s online book on the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring begins here: The Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. Chapters 1 – 3.
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.
With regard to the Profumo scandal including Prince Philip: Keeler Concealer: the British Establishment’s severe embarrassment at the depth of the Soviet Union’s penetration of MI5 and MI6.
With regard to Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.
With regard to former British prime minister Ted Heath: Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland