By Joseph de Burca.

Prince William, the Duchess of Cambridge and other senior Royals continue to retain a sinister cabal of deeply corrupt officials in their employment at Buckingham Palace. These officials bartered access to William and Kate as a bribe to ABC TV in the US in return for the concealment of a child abuse network involving Prince Andrew which was run by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
In the worst case scenario the ABC scandal threatens to recast the popular Royal couple as hypocritical, cynical and uncaring, not to mention accessories after the fact to the criminal concealment of child rape.
The best case scenario for them is that they are dupes with little or no control over their own lives.

Amy Robach, the ABC TV News anchor, interviewed Virginia Roberts in 2015, three years before the Jeffrey Epstein scandal (Phase 2) erupted. Robach was not allowed to broadcast anything Roberts revealed to her by her superiors at ABC.
Roberts had been flown by ABC from Colorado to New York City with her family all of whom were put up at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. She was then interviewed by Robach and her colleague Jim Hill about Epstein.
In late August 2019 Robach was captured by a live microphone in her TV studio describing her disappointment to colleagues. A recording of this off-air moment leaked. On it she can be heard complaining:
“I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts…we would not put it on the air. First of all, I was told ‘who’s Jeffrey Epstein.’ Then the Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways… [Roberts] told me everything. She had pictures, she had everything. It was unbelievable what we had. Clinton, we had everything.”

Robach continued:
“One of the reasons an interview with Roberts was not broadcast was because, “We were so afraid we wouldn’t be able to interview Kate and Will, so I think that had also quashed the story.”

After Robach’s outpouring was broadcast online by the Project Veritas website, an ABC ‘source’ claimed that the company had “never stopped investigating the story” and that:
“A lot of broadcasters can probably empathize. We do have to run everything past standards and practices and there are times when interviews can’t air. We needed time to corroborate details, and we were unable to verify a lot of Virginia’s claims.”
There cannot be a village idiot anywhere on the planet who believes this drivel from ABC.
The company did not let one of the most important stories of this century slip through its fingers because it was unable to back it up. Absolutely nothing changed over the next three years when the story finally broke. The claims made by Roberts have since been corroborated by a number of witnesses. Roberts knew a great number of them. She even set up an organisation to support them long before the scandal erupted whereby there was a cohort of available witnesses with corroborative stories, documentation and photographs. As the world now knows, Prince Andrew has been shamed and pushed out of the Royal spotlight, Jeffrey Epstein has died in suspicious circumstances in his New York prison cell while Ghislaine Maxwell is facing a criminal trial. The ABC top brass is simply lying when they claim they ever had any intention of letting their journalists pursue the story in any shape, form or manner.

ABC’s excuse simply does not hold water. There is something deeply sinister about this scandal. Robach was undoubtedly telling the truth when she raised the prospect of a boycott of ABC by Buckingham Palace. Nonetheless, while the top brass at ABC may be hard boiled and ruthless, it is difficult to believe they would allow children be raped indefinitely just to secure a few minutes of footage with the Royal couple. So why did ABC really protect Epstein?
Robach issued a statement after the ABC leak was broadcast online which was less strident than her off-the-cuff outburst in the TV studio. It is reproduced in full below. You can make your own minds up whether it feels authentic or reeks of coercive pressure from above.

It is difficult to believe that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge were consulted in advance about the threats which were made in “a million different ways” to ABC. Yet, unless they are helpless pawns hermetically sealed from what is going on around them at Buckingham Palace, they surely know by now about the threats issued by their courtiers. Surely they have at least one friend who has alerted them to what Robach let slip in the ABC TV studio. Assuming this is so, they cannot be happy that media access to them was bartered to protect a child abuse network, even if it was not the sole or decisive factor in the cover-up at ABC TV.

Despite the Royal couple’s presumed discomfort, no one at Buckingham Palace has been dismissed nor disciplined.
The threats from the Palace enabled Epstein and his associates to groom, traffic and abuse young girls for a further three years.
Not a single Royal correspondent has asked the future King to confirm that he was unaware of the threats made by his courtiers back in 2015.
Nor is anyone asking him {i} when he became aware of the ABC suppression scandal; {ii} what he has been told by the staff at Buckingham Palace about it; {iii} what he believes to be the truth of the affair and {iv} what, if anything, he is doing about it.
Most remiss of all, no one is asking him if he has demanded sight of the ABC file kept by his courtiers. There must be a string of emails and memos. One suspects Robach has copies so it would be a brave pursuivant at the Palace who would destroy them.

The couple, viewed as a royal breath of fresh air, are clearly hard working and have helped bring some stability back to the Royal Family in a time of turmoil. On the international stage they have played a positive role in warming Anglo-Irish relations. Now, their continued inaction over the the ABC TV scandal threatens to recasts them as – at best – pawns posessed of little or no authority, or – at worst – cynical frauds who are prepared to retain corrupt officials at the Palace who bartered access to them as a bribe to journalists in return for the protection of child abusers. The ancient adage that a king should be judged by his courtiers is apt, albeit that Prince William is not yet on the throne.

To add insult to injury, Ghislaine Maxwell was ‘abusive’ towards Prince William’s mother, Lady Diana Spencer. According to Maria Farmer, one of Epstein’s former abuse victims, Maxwell found it ‘really funny’ to belittle Lady Diana and reduced her to tears. Farmer says that Maxwell ‘hated’ Diana and took every opportunity to bully her. Maxwell shared these memories with Farmer while leafing through a collection of photographs she – Maxwell – kept of her with members of the Royal Family. Maxwell told Farmer, “Look, there we made her cry, isn’t that funny? We hated Diana”. Farmer is in no doubt that they “were very mean to her, like abusive, but they thought it was really funny. Very, very sick”.

There are other leads which the media could be following to find out more about this scandal: reporters could try talking to the Duchess of Sussex (Megan Markle). She works with and supports charities which help sex abuse victims.
ABC have claimed that they pursued the Epstein-Andrew story for three years. The Duchess began dating Prince Harry in 2016 and became engaged to him in 2017. If ABC is not lying about pursuing the Epstein story during this time, it is possible the Palace tendered her as another pawn in their barter strategy with ABC.

The Duchess has already shown a streak of independence on this very issue. After the ‘car crash’ interview Prince Andrew gave to the BBC, she let it be known that she felt “uncomfortable” when he alleged that he would remember sleeping with the then-17-year-old Virginia Roberts because sex, for a man, is a “positive act”.
Surely, if she is sincere in her concern for abuse victims, the Duchess would be prepared to incur the wrath of the Palace and reveal what she knows about the ABC scandal. Yet, no one is asking her anything about it.
Strangely, the Duchess is not volunteering any information unprompted either.
Nor has she made any comment about the inappropriateness of Palace officials bartering access to her brother-in-law and his wife to preserve the fabric of a child rape gang involving Prince Andrew.
Prince Harry has been silent on the issue too. Hence, it is still a mystery whether or not he has discussed this matter with his brother or sister-in-law.

And what about the Queen and Prince Charles? Did they know about the threats issued by their staff at the Palace in 2015? If so, did they approve in advance of the aggression associated with them?

Meanwhile, no one in Washington is demanding a Congressional inquiry into the ABC affair either.
Sadly, this is only the tip of an iceberg of child abuse and cover-up which has been afloat for decades. It is one which involves Royal participation at the highest level. Children on both sides of the Irish Sea have been abused. Lord Louis Mountbatten was a key figure in a sordid Anglo-Irish Vice Ring which preyed on children. The network had links that extended to the US.

One of the Americans involved was Roy Cohn, an infamous lawyer and mentor to Donald Trump. There is credible evidence which continues to emerge that Cohn was not merely a child rapist but also recorded influential figures while they were in the act of abusing children. He did this in furtherance of a blackmail operation involving dark political and intelligence forces with links to organised crime syndicates. Worse still, the network of which Cohn was a member continued long after his death with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell behind the cameras – literally. The full sordid story can be read here: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.
The mainstream media is also ignoring the fact that Lord Greville Janner introduced Alan Kerr, a teenage male prostitute (aged 17 or 18) from Northern Ireland to Prince Andrew at a theatre in 1986. See The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.

Time will tell how long Prince Andrew will be able hide behind his mother’s ermine robes at Buckingham Palace.
The Epstein-Maxwell scandal emerged despite the repugnant and criminal behaviour of Buckingham Palace and ABC. It is one which is going to dominate the headlines for years – if not decades – to come. It has already become the greatest scandal to engulf the Royal Family this century. The decision to barter a few now long forgotten sound bites with Will and Kate to get ABC to spike the Robert’s interview was a disastrous one for both parties. Time will tell how long Prince Andrew will be able hide behind his mother’s ermine robes at Buckingham Palace. The real question is what his older brother will do when she passes away and he is the one wearing the crown. As she is now 94 that day cannot be far away.

With regard to Lord Mountbatten see: SECOND UPDATE: Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later
With regard to Prince Philip: Prince Philip’s infidelity, love children and the Profumo scandal .
With regard to Prince Andrew: The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.
With regard to Roy Cohn who was Donald Trump’s mentor: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.
Village’s online book on the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring begins here: The Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. Chapters 1 – 3.
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.
With regard to the Profumo scandal including Prince Philip: Keeler Concealer: the British Establishment’s severe embarrassment at the depth of the Soviet Union’s penetration of MI5 and MI6.
With regard to Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.
With regard to former British prime minister Ted Heath: Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland