1. An amazing coincidence.
The latest report into the squalid MI5/6-Kincora Boys’ Home child sex abuse scandal was released on 19 September 2022- the same day as the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
The error strewn Hart Report was released during Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.
The Hart report received little or no real coverage as the airwaves and pages of Britain’s newspapers were swamped by the start of Trump’s shambolic presidency.
Village readers are requested, where possible, to draw attention to the publication of the Ombudsman’s report – despite its manifest and multifarious shortcomings – and, more importantly, to highlight the following story about Richard Kerr, the brave Kincora survivor who is still looking for justice: Kincora survivor
By an amazing coincidence, the latest Kincora report – which is no more than mildly critical of the RUC – will receive little or no coverage outside of Northern Ireland. It is a certainty there will be no coverage in Britain where the public has been taken for fools by the Murdoch press and its ilk for decades. So far, even this rather limp new report has been ignored – completely – by the mainstream media in Britain.
Richard Kerr, a Kincora survivor, has told Village today that: “We were treated like throwaways but this throwaway is not going anywhere and the truth will come out one way or another”.
Richard Kerr, a Kincora survivor, has told Village today that: “We were treated like throwaways but this throwaway is not going anywhere and the truth will come out one way or another”.
2. The scandal that still terrifies Whitehall and the Conservative Party.
The Kincora scandal is one which will not go away despite the best efforts of Whitehall. It involves child sex abuse, the collection of ‘kompromat’, the blackmail of Loyalist politicians and paramilitaries; State-Loyalist collusion in murder, the protection of a gang of serial killing paedophiles, the trafficking of children to royal and VIP sex abusers, perjury, the perversion of justice, the making of threats to witnesses, the assault of at least one victim to deter him from attending a trial, the disappearance of evidence, the disappearance of court files, the misleading of the House of Commons by corrupt Tory ministers, a forty-year history of failed investigations and the ongoing vilification of survivors as liars and fantasists, some of whom have been driven to suicide.
The Kincora scandal is one which will not go away despite the best efforts of Whitehall. It involves child sex abuse, the collection of ‘kompromat’, the blackmail of Loyalist politicians and paramilitaries; State-Loyalist collusion in murder, the protection of a gang of serial killing paedophiles, the trafficking of children to royal and VIP sex abusers, perjury, the perversion of justice, the making of threats to witnesses, the assault of at least one victim to deter him from attending a trial, the disappearance of evidence, the disappearance of court files, the misleading of the House of Commons by corrupt Tory ministers, a forty-year history of failed investigations and the ongoing vilification of survivors as liars and fantasists, some of whom have been driven to suicide.
The latest miserable Kincora report is by the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman. The mild criticism it contains relates to the fact that the RUC had a number of opportunities to end the sex abuse at Kincora but did nothing. Suffice it to say, like the Hart report, it does not get anywhere near the real dark heart of the story. It does not expose and traduce the key figures in MI5 and MI6 who exploited a string of children’s homes to collect ‘kompromat’ on key Loyalist political and paramilitary figures.
Certain Kincora files remain classified until 2060.
3. The BBC continues in its failure to broadcast its own investigation into Kincora.

The BBC has still not yet broadcast an investigation it has made about the murder of a group of boys by Alan Campbell. Campbell was a friend of Joe Mains and William McGrath.
The report has also unearthed new evidence of MI5 complicity in the Kincora scandal. See a recent report from Phoenix magazine below:
4. The Irish government is singing from the same hymn sheet at London.
In the Republic of Ireland, the Irish government is aiding and abetting the Kincora cover-up by withholding police logs which list the visitors to Lord Louis Mountbatten at Classiebawn Castle. One of those visitors was Joe Mains, the Warden of Kincora, who trafficked boys to Mountbatten.
5. MI5 admitted to Hart that it had ‘compromising’ film of a member of the Kincora gang – John McKeague a serial killer and paedophile.
One of the key figures in the paedeophile gang which revolved around Kincora was John McKeague. MI5 admitted at the Hart Inquiry that it had compromising film of him and considered recruiting him as an agent, but, in the end, decided not to. They were, of course, lying. McKeague became one of their agents.

McKeague was in charge of the Red Hand Commando (RHC) unit which murdered Seamus Ludlow in Co. Louth (in the Republic of Ireland) in 1976. The murderers reported to him after they carried out the murder. The RUC special branch suppressed evidence about the RHC unit which carried out the killing. Evidence was offered to Larry Wren, the former head of Garda intelligence. Wren rebuffed the offer.
Is the murder of Seamus Ludlow and the behaviour of Wren – who went on to become Garda Commissioner, 1983-87, not enough to get the Taoiseach and his ministers to act?
6. Britain’s guilty spies.
The culprits who exploited the misery of the children include Sir Maurice Oldfield, Allan Rowley and Craig Smellie of MI6. Also, Ian Cameron and Denis Payne of MI5. Yet, even the tepid new report by the Ombudsman – as lukewarm as the risible Hart report – is still embarrassing to the British Establishment. One can only imagine their consternation were the real truth emerged.
Village readers are requested, where possible, to draw attention to the publication of the Ombudsman’s report – despite its manifest and multifarious shortcomings – and, more importantly, to highlight the following story about Richard Kerr, the brave Kincora survivor who is still looking for justice: Kincora survivor
Many victims of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring, of which Kincora was a part, committed suicide. The survivors have been vilified as liars and fantasists for decades. They deserve justice and a proper telling of the truth.

7. The Venetian photographs.
Another article about Richard Kerr can be found here: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell. It contains a series of photographs of Kerr in Venice while he was meant to have been in care in Belfast. Officially, Kerr never left Belfast while he was in care. On their own, the Venetian photographs demolish the findings of the following investigations:
- Terry: 1982 – led by the most corrupt cop in the UK, Sir George Terry, former Chief Constable of the Sussex Police;
- Hughes: 1984 – its terms of reference were secretly changed by James Prior, the corrupt Tory Secretary of State for NI, who lied about them to the House of Commons;
- Hart: 2017 – an inquiry led by a former judge about whom the best that can be said is that he was a gullible imbecile with a deferential bias towards MI5 and MI6;
- Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman: 2022 – the Ombudsman spent seven years being manipulated, and lied to by the various wings of British Intelligence and the RUC. Village will publish a more comprehensive analysis of this report in due course.
- The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual (IICSA) abuse – ongoing. See the next section.

8. A 40-year failure of official inquiries. The ongoing IICSA has ignored crucial evidence about VIP abuse.
The IICSA has produced some lamentable reports over the last number of years. It has ignored crucial evidence, especially in relation to Anglo-Irish sex abuse perpetrated by VIPs as Enoch Powell MP, Knox Cunningham MP, James Molyneux MP and others. All this despite the fact the IICSA was set up to investigate sex abuse perpetrated by Westminster MPs and other VIPs.
9. The document that proves the British Army knew about Kincora.
A British Army PsyOps document confirms that the British military knew that William McGrath of Kincora was abusing boys. A full report can be found here: James Molyneaux was linked to Kincora child rapist in British PSYOPS document.
The document is also reproduced below:-
10. MI6 has admitted a ‘relationship’ between Joe Mains and Sir Maurice Oldfield of MI6.
In 1980 MI5 (which is attached to the British Home Office) carried out an inquiry into the conduct of the former Chief of MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, 1973-78. MI6 is attached to the Foreign Office. This happened because Oldfield had been caught lying about his homosexuality. Oldfield was also an abuser of ‘rent boys’, underage male prostitutes. MI6 reviewed their files relating to the matter in 2011. According to the Hart Report, “Officer G” of MI6 “examined four ring binders with material relating to Sir Maurice Oldfield, including the 1980 MI5 investigation”.

Officer G proceeded to describe a “relationship” Oldfield had “had with Kincora boys’ home (KBH) in Belfast”. Oldfield was linked to Kincora “through his friendship with the KBH Head”.
Officer G proceeded to describe a “relationship” Oldfield had “had with Kincora boys’ home (KBH) in Belfast”. Oldfield was linked to Kincora “through his friendship with the KBH Head”.
11. A fool or someone who took the public for fools? Judge Anthony Hart concluded in 2017 that MI6’s admission was not in fact an admission.
Hart concluded that this was not evidence of MI6 involvement in Kincora because Officer G had made a mistake and was apparently merely referring to allegations about a relationship.
But that was not what the man from MI6 had said.
Neither MI6 nor the Hart Report quoted a single contemporaneous report alleging a friendship between Oldfield and Joseph Mains, the only man who fits the description of “KBH Head”. Indeed, Village can find no trace anywhere of such a report, nor one about a friendship with any of the other staff members at Kincora.
Hart did not recall the MI6 officer to clarify a word of his evidence.
Hart, a former judge who took an oath to uphold the law, simply failed to do his job.
At best Hart was guilty of excessive bias and abject laziness.
Sadly, the basis upon which the BBC resists broadcasting the investigation which has unearthed new evidence is that it contradicts the findings of the imbecile Judge Hart.
12. The great Kincora conundrum: the scandal that unifies Liz Truss and Michael Martin.
The Cabinet Office undoubtedly has a file on Kincora inside its massive safe at its London HQ. That is where Britain’s most sensitive secrets are kept. Liz Truss could click her fingers and have it delivered to her office.

Michael Martin could click his fingers and have the Garda logs of visitors to Mountbatten brought to him.
Yet, so far neither premier is interested in lifting a finger to help resolve what is the single greatest scandal of the Troubles.
Why is it that the only issue which unifies the British and Irish governments, along with their respective police forces, at the moment, is an abject failure to end the most egregious and blatant cover-up of the sexual abuse and murder of children in Ireland?
Why is it that the only issue which unifies the British and Irish governments, along with their respective police forces, at the moment, is an abject failure to end the most egregious and blatant cover-up of the sexual abuse and murder of children in Ireland?
What type of people have we elected to lead us on these islands?

SECOND UPDATE: Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later
Prince Philip’s infidelity, love children and the Profumo scandal .
The deep Irish background to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. By Joseph de Burca
Backstabbing and Censorship, by Royal Command
Prince Andrew has no need to sweat after publication of the Janner paedophile report.
James Molyneaux and the Kincora scandal.
James Molyneaux was linked to Kincora child rapist in British PSYOPS document.
The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.
Village’s online book on the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring begins here: The Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. Chapters 1 – 3.
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.
Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.
Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland
Margaret Thatcher, MI5 and the murder of the lawyer Patrick Finucane: Thatcher’s Murder Machine, the British State assassination of Patrick Finucane. By Joseph de Burca.