This article was updated on 20 December 2019 with additional information about the ongoing refusal of the Gardai to release the log of a visit by the Warden of Kincora Boys’ Home to Mountbatten’s home in the Republic of Ireland (See section 2) and further evidence of a link between Mountbatten and the abuse of boys at Portora Royal School (See section 13).

It has long been rumoured in Britain that Lord Louis Mountbatten was a paedophile. A book now on sale has dug up impressive new evidence confirming what Irish sources – including the Provisional IRA – have known for decades about his sexual predilections. So impressive is the new evidence that mainstream British media outlets such as The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times and The Sun are covering the story. The book contains sensational new information about Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast. Curiously, while the British media are happy to report on Mountbatten’s abuse of boys generally, the sections in the book about Kincora are being ignored.

The book is called The Mountbattens: their Lives & Loves, and is written by Andrew Lownie. The author is a respected and serious historian who was once a Conservative Party Westminster election candidate. He is still friendly with many Tory MPs including one recently retired Cabinet minister. Lownie is also author of a book on Guy Burgess entitled Stalin’s Englishman which had many interesting Irish angles to it.
During his research for the biography, Lownie tried to gain access to certain Irish State files including Garda files about Mountbatten only to be rebuffed. They may contain some interesting material. A Deputy Garda Commissioner who is now dead told Village a number of years ago that he had heard disturbing rumours about Mountbatten sexual activities before he was killed.
Another Garda intelligence source says that he had heard stories that while Mountbatten had been living in India, he had had access to a 14 year old boy.
If Garda Intelligence, led by Larry Wren, the Head of C3 during the 1970s, knew anything about Mountbatten’s predilections, or the presence of cars with Northern Ireland registration plates, or of teenage boys visiting his property at Classiebawn in the company of older men, he did nothing about any of it. The Gardai had a security at Mountbatten’s estate and must have noted the registration plates of visitors. This means that the Gardai should have logs for August 1977 which noted the arrival of the car belonging to Joe Mains, the Warden of the notorious Kincora Boys’ Home because he trafficked at least two boys to Classiebawn that month. If the logs still exist, will Garda Commissioner Drew Harris (ex-RUC and ex-PSNI link man to MI5) see to it that they are released and prove once and for all that an Anglo-Irish Vice Ring ring existed and it involved Joe Mains?

While the Kincora scandal was exposed in 1980, it was not until 1982 that allegations about MI5 and MI6 involvement in the affair began to appear in the press. Wren became Garda Commissioner in early 1983. He had developed exceptionally close links with British Intelligence during his tenure at C3. If the logs of cars visiting Classiebawn prove to be missing, an inquiry should be held to see if they were destroyed under Wren’s watch. For further information about Wren’s strange career at C3 please visit
Hopefully the car registration logs still exists. Will the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) in London which is probing the existence of VIP child sex abuse request Drew Harris and the Irish Government to release the relevant logs for August 1977, and indeed for all of the summers Mountbatten stayed at Classiebawn?
Mountbatten’s movements were of enormous importance to the Gardai in the 1970s. Typically, the first they would hear about his pending arrival in the country was a frantic call from MI5 in London to alert them that he had boarded the Hollyhead car ferry en route to Dublin. Mountbatten’s reputation inside the Garda was that of a man who was reckless about his safety. He often gave them a security headache. On one occasion he managed to disembark before the Gardai could reach the ferry and provide him with an escort. However, on this occasion his car broke down and they rushed to his aid inland. His vehicle was towed back to Garda HQ at the Phoenix Park in Dublin where it was repaired by the fleet service department. While the repairs were taking place, Mountbatten was given a tour of the HQ which had originally been built as a Royal Irish Constabulary complex. The Gardai who dealt with him found him to have been ‘a most charming man’.

Since this story first appeared, the Gardai have persisted in their refusal to allow Andrew Lownie gain access to their Classiebawn car registration logs. They emailed Lownie on 7 October 2019 stating that files ‘generated during the course of a criminal investigation’ are considered confidential and hence they would not be releasing them. It is significant that they did not deny that the logs still exist.

Lownie responded to this by writing back pointing out that the logs he was looking for related to August 1977, i.e. two years prior to Mountbatten’s assassination. There could have been no investigation of a ‘criminal’ nature in 1977 to an assassination that did not take place until 1979.
The head of the Irish police, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris is a former RUC Special Branch officer who worked extensively with MI5. To date, he has not intervened to have the logs of Mains’ visit in August of 1977 extracted from the main file, copied and sent to Lownie. Instead, on 7 November the Gardai reverted to Lownie saying: ‘I wish to inform you that all such security logs form part of the Garda Investigation File, and for the reasons outlined in email of 7th October 2019 will not be released’.
The Mains’ log (or indeed logs) are political dynamite, even forty years on. With the Royal Family reeling from the Prince Andrew-Epstein scandal, the British Establishment will have to thread carefully in its dealings with the Irish Government to ensure that the logs do not leak out to the world press.

Garda email to Andrew Lownie of 6 November 2019
Lownie’s research unearthed a number of FBI files which reveal that Lord Mountbatten “was a homosexual with a lust for young boys”. The FBI dossier was compiled by American agents during WWII and the Suez Crisis. The Americans began compiling the Mountbatten file in February 1944, shortly after Mountbatten became Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia. They kept adding to it over the next three decades.
The FBI interviewed Elizabeth de la Poer Beresford, Baroness Decies, who knew about Mountbatten’s predilections. According to the FBI file: “She states that in these circles Lord Louis Mountbatten and his wife are considered persons of extremely low morals”. Also that he “was known to be a homosexual with a perversion for young boys”. Her opinion of him was that he was “an unfit man to direct any sort of military operations because of this condition”. She stated further that “his wife Lady Mountbatten was considered equally erratic”.

The entries on the file by the Baroness were signed by EE Conroy, Head of the New York field office, who wrote that she “appears to have no special motive in making the above statements”.
Agents opened more files on Mountbatten after World War II when he became NATO commander of allied forces in the Mediterranean, then admiral of the fleet, and later chief of the defence staff.
The FBI has long been known to keep compromising material on high-profile figures, most famously Martin Luther King.
The book also describes how Mountbatten’s former chauffeur Ron Perks often drove him to “an upmarket gay brothel used by senior naval officers” called the Red House near Rabat in Malta.
There is a lot more evidence about Mountbatten’s sexual misdemeanours in the book. The examples cited here are merely the tip of an iceberg Lownie has uncovered. The net effect is to cast all other Mountbatten biographies onto the scrapheap.
The Provisional IRA knew that Mountbatten was a paedophile. This information played no part in their decision to target him. A plot was hatched to kill him in 1975 but it did not proceed. According to an IRA intelligence officer active at the time, “It was a better plan” than the one which went ahead in 1979. The earlier plot had been to shoot the Royal in his car when he emerged from his castle at Classiebawn, County Sligo. According to the IRA source, it would have avoided civilian casualties.
Lownie was also the first to reveal the existence of a 1975 plot to murder Mountbatten at Classiebawn despite an erroneous claim by the BBC on its recent broadcast about his assassination that it was revealing this fact for the first time. Lownie beat the BBC to the punch by about a day.

The man responsible for trafficking the boys to Classiebawn was Joseph Mains, the Warden of Kincora. Two of the boys referred to in Lownie’s book did not wish for their names to appear in print in connection with Mountbatten and Lownie has respected this. Village is aware of their names and will respect their desire to remain anonymous.
Village is also aware of some additional information which does not appear in the book. This is no criticism – the book is a deeply impressive work. However, like any book there is a limit to how much detail can be packed inside its covers. Lownie has produced 486 pages packed with an abundance of new information. The most significant additional piece of information we can add is about a boy who committed suicide. His name was Stephen Waring. Mountbatten abused him at Classiebawn in August of 1977.
Mountbatten always visited his castle in Co. Sligo in August. Steven Waring was a resident of Kincora at the time. He committed suicide within a few months of the visit to Co. Sligo. He had escaped from Kincora and made it as far as Liverpool where he was captured and put back on the Belfast-Liverpool Monarch Ferry from which he plunged into the sea in November of 1977. Waring had been put in a section of the ship which did not have access to the sea. Somehow he broke out of it and was able to gain access to the vessel’s railings and plunged to his death. A witness – a British solider – was reputed to have said that he was very drunk at the time of his fall. His body was never recovered. No autopsy has ever taken place. The RUC later concluded that his death was unconnected with the acknowledged wrongdoing at Kincora.

The abuse suffered by Steven Waring and his friend – called ‘Sean’ by Lownie – took place in a building adjacent to Classiebawn Castle.
Waring and ‘Sean’ knew they were being taken to the Republic of Ireland because Mains, who was sitting in the front of the vehicle, turned around and told them that they had crossed the Border.
While the mainstream British media is happy to report on the FBI files and the Ron Perk’s revelations, and much more besides, they have completely ignored the revelations on Kincora in the book. Equally, they have ignored the story of yet another boy who was ensnared in the wider Anglo-Irish Vice Ring of which Kincora was a part. (See the section on the third boy, ‘Amal’ in the section below.)
As Lownie describes it, ‘Sean’, ‘was 16 years old when he says he was driven from the Kincora Boys Home in Belfast to Classiebawn in the summer of 1977. As the men who had brought them waited outside, ‘Sean’ remembers being taken into a darkened room where he was joined by ‘a man who undressed me and then gave me oral sex. I was there about an hour. He spoke quietly and tried to make me feel comfortable. He was one of those men who wanted attention, wanted you to chase him . . . I think he felt some shame. He said very sadly, ‘I hate these feelings.’ He seemed a sad and lonely person. I think the darkened room was all about denial . . . He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest . . . I only recognised who he was when I saw on the news that Lord Mountbatten had been killed’.
Village has also spoken to ‘Sean’ who told us that he recalled noticing a ‘weird castle’ in the distance as they neared their final destination. This is in fact a very good description of what the building looks like as it is approached. He also recalls that Mountbatten had a butler with a toupee who attended upon them before Mountbatten took Waring away first. He also recalled that there was an oar hung on the wall of the room in which he was kept.

The third boy was 16 when he was abused. His name has also been withheld from Lownie’s book. He is simply referred to as ‘Amal’. He describes how he ‘remembers being brought to Mullaghmore during the summer of 1977. ‘Amal’ says he met Mountbatten four times that summer on a day trip from Belfast. Each time the encounter, lasting an hour, took place in a suite at a hotel by the harbour about 15 minutes from Classiebawn. ‘Amal’ remembered: He was very polite, very nice. I knew he was someone important. He asked if I wanted a drink or candy. He told me he liked dark-skinned people especially Sri Lankan people as they were very friendly and very good-looking. I remember he admired my smooth skin. We gave each other oral sex in a 69 position. He was very tender and I felt comfortable about it. It seemed very natural. I know that several other boys from Kincora were brought to him on other occasions’.
While ‘Amal’ was taken to Belfast and may indeed have visited Kincora, and certainly mixed with at least one Kincora boy, he was not a resident – certainly not a long term one – at the home.
Joe Mains was an associate of Captain Peter Montgomery who was the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Tyrone, and a member of Ulster’s landed aristocracy. He was also a paedophile who preyed on boys from Kincora, Williamson House and Royal Portora School. Each county in the UK has a lord lieutenant. It is a position of great prestige. The holder of the title is the personal representative of the Queen of England in the county he represents. The position of deputy is also of great prestige.

Montgomery’s family owned an estate at Fivemiletown, Co Tyrone. During WW2 he served with British military intelligence. His second cousin was “Monty”, the famous WW2 general.
Montgomery had another connection to Buckingham Palace through the Keeper of the Queen’s Pictures, Sir Anthony Blunt. Montgomery was Blunt’s first boyfriend and thereafter his most enduring friend. Blunt is more famous for his role as a Soviet mole inside MI5 while a member of the infamous Cambridge spy ring. Blunt always kept a room for Montgomery at his London residence. Blunt often visited Montgomery at Fivemiletown. They also enjoyed trips around Ireland to other paedophiles on the “country house” circuit. Montgomery is believed to have trafficked boys from Portora Royal School to these parties for paedophiles who favoured well bred boys.
Montgomery was almost certainly the link between Mains and Mountbatten. For some further information on Montgomery and Blunt (and more besides) see:…resa-mays-closet/

The abuse Waring suffered in Co. Sligo was not the only abuse he suffered that summer. Village first reported the details of this trip in February 2018. The core parts of the story are repeated hereunder.
During the summer of 1977, Richard Kerr, another resident at Kincora, was summoned by Joe Mains and was told that Joss Cardwell, a senior figure in the vice ring, had called and wanted him and Waring to proceed down to Belfast Harbour.
Cardwell was Chairman of Belfast Corporation Welfare Committee and in overall charge of Kincora and other homes such as Williamson House in Belfast. He was also a key figure in the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. The boys knew exactly what Cardwell’s ominous edict entailed for them: they would be going to England to be sexually abused. On this trip, Kerr would be delivered into the grubby hands of a TV star in London.

Kerr knew Caldwell as ‘Joseph’ Cardwell recalls how he wore a ‘funny’ hat and drove a blue minivan which he used to take boys out of Kincora. Some of these trips terminated at the Adelphi Hotel in Portrush where the boys were abused.
Stephen Waring and Richard Kerr boarded the ferry to Liverpool. In Liverpool they were met by Michael ‘A’. Kerr was familiar with him from Manchester where he had been abused at the Rembrandt Hotel. Michael ‘A’ was in the company of a man called Derek.
The group headed to a premises in Liverpool near Lime Street train station. By now it was well into the morning of the following day. The boys were ushered down a flight of steps into a basement with mattresses strewn across its floor. Approximately five others boys were being held. They were aged between 11 and 13. Kerr and Waring were kept with them for three or four hours.
Later that morning, Michael ‘A’ and Steven ‘J’ brought the two Kincora boys to the train station. The other – younger – boys did not travel with them.
Steven ‘J’ served the vice ring in a number of ways, one of which was to take salacious photographs of the boys ensnared in the vice-ring. Stephen ‘J’ also knew Joe Mains and Eric Witchell, he paedophile who ran Williamson House. Witchell was the first member of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring to have abused Kerr – while he was only 8 at Williamson House. During the 1970s Witchell resided in both Liverpool and Belfast. Witchell was later put in charge of Williamson House where Kerr resided before being sent to Kincora in 1975.
Witchell and Cardwell supplied boys from Williamson House to abusers favoured by the vice ring. Kerr was one of these boys. Village has the names of others. Some of them went on to commit suicide. (Steven Waring was not at Williamson House. The death of the boys from Williamson House are not to be confused with Waring’s death.)

On this trip, Kerr and Waring reached Manchester with their two escorts, alighting and switching to another train. They were confined inside a first-class compartment on the final leg of the journey – which would take them to London – and were abused by Michael ‘A’ and Steven ‘J’ en route. The abuse was perpetrated in a clandestine manner and was manual.
After they reached London, the boys were separated and Kerr was brought to the Wimpy Bar in Piccadilly Circus. Piccadilly was notorious for the presence of so-called Dilly boys, unfortunate urchins who had been groomed, bullied and manipulated into becoming male prostitutes. Kerr was escorted to the upstairs floor of the Wimpy Bar and placed behind a table. There were two men inside the Wimpy Bar who were running the Dilly Boys at the time. Kerr recalls that one of them was the late Jack Murray, a well-dressed Englishman Englishman who smoked cigars and wore glasses. He does not know who the second man was.

Later, Kerr was ordered to go back downstairs and delivered to a TV star who was waiting outside for him. The man, who was much taller than Kerr, beckoned him to follow and walked approximately two feet ahead of Kerr in case anyone saw them together.
Kerr and the TV star walked up to a very well known street. The man opened a door on street level with a key. The door led immediately to a flight of stairs. He was brought upstairs. The man had a small room on the left-hand side of the stairs. It was sparsely furnished. Kerr was then abused in a degrading manner.
The adult gave Kerr £20 and he was then ushered downstairs, put back on the street and told to find his own way back to the Wimpy Bar.
What the adult did not realise was that Kerr was seething with resentment at the men who abused him and had perfected the practice of memorising detail about his abusers. He sometimes even managed to take photographs away with him as proof of their identity. Some of the photographs were of cars with their registration plates clearly visible and are now in the possession of Village. On this occasion, although the room was barely lived in, he managed to remove an item which he has described to Village.
Kerr later recognised the man from a guest appearance on the then hugely popular ‘Minder’ TV show, one of the actor’s numerous TV appearances in hugely successful BBC and ITV programmes, some of which were made for children. Kerr does not wish to reveal the identity of the TV star at this point in time. The actor is presently involved in a children’s charity. He has also been critical of the way the BBC let Jimmy Saville abuse children. He acknowledges that he was aware of rumours about what was going on at the time and says he was astonished at how Saville wasn’t stopped.
On another trip Kerr and Waring were taken to the South of England where another TV star – a household name far better known than even Jimmy Saville at the time – came into the room and chose Waring and took him away for a number of hours. Waring came back downcast and dejected and did not speak about what had happened. This was characteristic of way he behaved after being abused.

The Kincora whistleblower, Robin Bryans, tried to expose Mountbatten’s links to the abuse of boys in the 1980s.

Bryans is the man who was decisive in exposing Sir Anthony Blunt, the Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures, who had been a KGB mole while he served inside MI5. Byrans knew Blunt well from his frequent visits to Ulster where Blunt seized opportunities to abuse underage boys. Bryans tried to expose Blunt, James Molyneaux MP and Mountbatten in a letter he wrote on 3 November, 1989. The relevant extract reads as follows:
‘Although Margaret Thatcher’s showed loyalty to those who had eased her path, by fair means or foul, to office, her forthrightness and inexperienced enraged many. While (Sir Anthony) Blunt had a cosy relationship with the security services (based on his knowledge of incriminating political and sexual leanings among the Royal family), Thatcher showed herself to be unsympathetic to this delicate quid pro quo. She unbalanced the status quo by admitting that Blunt had been a soviet agent [in the House of Commons in 1979]. This betrayal (as Blunt saw it) risked letting all sorts of other skeletons out of the cupboard. Not the least of these was the long-standing arrangement whereby Kincora and Portora Boys’ Schools were used as homosexual brothels by many prominent figures, including Lord Mountbatten, James Molyneaux, Leslie Mackie and Blunt’s coterie of highly placed friends. Blunt, however, kept his mouth shut, and Thatcher learned her lesson well. The establishment knows best’.

The IRA was not the only paramilitary organisation which knew about the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring of which Kincora was a part. The UDA had the home under surveillance. Please see ‘Her Majesty’s Hatchetman’ for a detailed analysis of this at:…-of-pat-finucane/ .)

As best Village can tell, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) in London has not displayed any interest in Lord Mountbatten, Eric Witchell or the Irish wing of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring. Time will tell if they now seek the Garda security logs for Classiebawn for August 1977 to see if Joe Mains’ vehicle or that of his UDA friends visited Classiebawn with teenage boys in their vehicles.
Further, the disinterest of IICSA in Richard Kerr is staggering in light of the fact he has provided details about the violent abuse he suffered at the hands of Enoch Powell MP, a politician who once ran for the leadership of the Tory Party. Kerr was also abused by a senior Tory cabinet minister who was once a contender for the Tory leadership. There are many, many other VIPs who abused him. He has only released the names of a few so far. Kerr’s account of the abuse he suffered at the hands of Powell and Eric Witchell can be found on this website at:
The reason for ICCSA’s refusal to grant Kerr core participation can be found on its website at:
David Burke is the author of ‘Deception & Lies, the Hidden History of the Arms Crisis 1970’ and ‘Kitson’s Irish War, Mastermind of the Dirty War in Ireland’ which examines the role of counter-insurgency dirty tricks in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s. His new book, ‘An Enemy of the Crown, the British Secret Service Campaign against Charles Haughey’, was published on 30 September 2022. These books can be purchased here:
Other stories published by Village which exposed UK VIP child sex abuse scandals:
With regard to Prince Philip: Prince Philip’s infidelity, love children and the Profumo scandal .
With regard to Prince William and Kate: Judge a (future) king by his courtiers: Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, pawns in the cover-up of a transatlantic paedophile network.
With regard to Prince Andrew: The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.
With regard to Roy Cohn who was Donald Trump’s mentor: Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.
With regard to the Profumo scandal including Prince Philip: Keeler Concealer: the British Establishment’s severe embarrassment at the depth of the Soviet Union’s penetration of MI5 and MI6.
With regard to Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.
With regard to former British prime minister Ted Heath: Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland
With regard to Margaret Thatcher, MI5 and the murder of the lawyer Patrick Finucane: Thatcher’s Murder Machine, the British State assassination of Patrick Finucane. By Joseph de Burca.